Safety for Sunni's

Asslamu Alaikum

Welcome to Al-Haq - A Islamic Blog to educate the Muslims of Sneinton and Surrounding Areas about the evil beliefs of certain people and groups that are trying to confuse innocent Muslim's and encouraging them to accept False and Misguided Beliefs!

It is the job of every true follower of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon Him to defend his honour. For too long people have got away with insulting, degrading and even trying to humiliate My Master peace be upon Him. The horrible reality is that the people that are doing this call themselves Muslims!


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Sunday, 19 September 2010

Kissing the thumbs and touching the eyes

A brother once told me that he attended a gathering in Leicester. He went with some brothers from 41. The mosque was really big and packed out. During the talk the speaker mentioned the name of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Upon hearing this the brother raised his thumbs to his lips and gave them a loud kiss and then placed them on his eyes. When he lowered his hands he was amazed to see that the speaker had stopped talking and was looking in his direction with a stern look. This attracted the attention of alot of people in the gathering. The brother states that he felt his face turn red and he looked down. The speaker then started his talk again by saying “don’t worry, keep coming to this gathering and you will lose these stupid habits”

Brothers and Sisters, what is wrong with kissing your thumbs and rubbing them onto your eyes at the mention of the name of the Greatest of Prophets? There is absolutely nothing wrong with it, yet these Deobandis try to make a mockery of innocent Muslims by trying to imply that respecting the Prophet peace be upon him is a stupid habit.

Do not let these misguided people spoil your love and respect for the Prophet peace be upon him. Kissing the thumbs and rubbing them onto your eyes is a great act of worship and should be done with love and respect.

The following has been taken from Ashraf786 forum

“Reasons Why We kiss The Thumbs and Touch Our Eyes.


O Messenger of Allah, you are the light of my eyes

A Hadith in Dailami narrated by hadrat Abu bakr Siddique (Radi Allahu anhu) states that Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam) said;

" when the Muazzin says;

" Muhammadur Rasulullah," if one kisses his two thumbs and touches his eyes and says,

" Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasuluh, radhi-tu bil-lahi Rabban wa bil-Islami deen-an wa bi Muhammadin sall- Allahu alaihi wa sallama Nabiyyan",

My Intercession becomes Halal for him."

Another hadith Sharif declares:

" I will look for and find and take to Paradise on the Day of Judgement the one who put their thumbs on their eyes upon hearing my name in Azaan."

Hanafi scholar al-Tahtawi, writes on the authority of al-Quhistani in his annotation in Mara al Falah;

" It is mustahab to put the thumbs on one's eyes and say

" Qurrat aynayya bika ya Raui-Allah! Allahumma matti'ni bi-s-sami wa l-basri." when the Muazzin recites Rasul-Allah's (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam) name for the seconed time in the Azaan, because Rasulullah (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam) wil take the one who does so to Paradise."

Sheikh- Zada who passed away in 1544, in his annotation of tafsir by al-Badawi, narrates from Abu l-Wafa that he saw some fatwas stating that Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique (Radi Allahu anhu) kissed the nails of his two thumbs and then touched his two eyes with them when he heard our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam) name in the Azaan, and when Rasulullah (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam) asked him why he did so he said;

" To attain blessings through your Blessed name."

Aap (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam) then declared,

" You did well. He who does so never suffers from eye disease."

One should say, " Allahummam'mahfuz aynayya w nawwirhuma"

when the nails touch the eye lids.

A very similar incident narrated by Imam Abu Muhammad Bin Ali (Rehmatullahi ’Alaih) in his book Qu-tul-Qulub, that Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam) appeared splendidly in the mosque on the 10th Muharram to offer Friday prayers, when Hadrat Bilal (Radi Allahu anhu) was giving Azaan.. After the azaan Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam) on seeing Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique (Radi Allahu anhu) action of rubbing his thumbs on his eyes stated; " O Abu Bakr ! who so ever shows his love for me like you do, Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) will remit all his sins".

Al- Quhistani, who passed away in Bukhara in 1508, also reports from the book, Kanz al- ibad:

" It is Mustahab to say, " Sall-Allahu wa sallama aynayya bika Ya Rasul-Allah!" when one hears the first 'Muhammad' in the azaan and to say,

" Quraat aynayya bika Ya Rasul_Allah" upon hearing the Blessed name being repeated, and then put the two thumbs on ones eyes and say,

Allahumma Matti'ni bi-s-sami wa l- basri"

before removing one's thumbs:

Our beloved Master Rasulullah (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam) will take this person to Paradise.

The Act of kissing the thumbs and touching the eyes reveals respect and reverance for our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam).

Actually this is a bargain of love.

The hearts Blessed with the love of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam) will not deny this noble action.

But if some one's heart is bereft of the love of Aap (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam), he is incurable. If he denies this blissful action, which guarantees salvation, it is the echo of his inner self.

May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) open our hearts to the light and give us the tawfiq of recognising the light and Love of Almighty Allah's Most beloved , Aap (Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam)."
Can Allah ta'ala lie?

One of the main deobandi elders and founders held the belief that Allah ta'ala can lie, astaghferullah.
He wrote in his collection of religious rulings called 'Fatawa Rashidiya' on page 19 volume 1;

"Allah ta'ala can tell lies"

One of the horrendous beliefs that Deobandis have and propagate is the belief that Allah ta’ala can lie. Remember Allah ta’ala is above all defects such as lying.

Click on the link below to read this horrible belief smashed to pieces

Saturday, 18 September 2010

What really happened with this Islamic Centre and 41 Janaza FIASCO?

A short while ago an incident took place which is still fresh on the mind of many young Muslims in Sneinton and Bakersfield.

Some background information

41 is currently controlled by an old man named Bawa Akram Deobandi. His son Molvi Aurangzeb is the Imam of 41.

The Incident from a 41 perspective

The Son of Bawa Akram Deobandi and younger brother of Aurangzeb Deobandi passed away. With the intention of unity with other Muslim groups Bawa Akram Deobandi decided that the funeral Prayer of his son should be prayed at Islamic Centre instead of 41 or Pakistan Centre (which normally accommodates such functions for Deobandis). 41 approached the committee of Islamic centre and requested permission for the funeral prayer to be held and decided a date and time.

Islamic Centre approved the request and arrangements were made. On the day of the Funeral Bawa Akram had the body of his deceased son brought to Islamic Centre. Bawa Akram Deobandi then approached the committee of Islamic Centre and informed that a Deobandi Imam would lead the prayer instead of the Islamic Centre Imam. The Islamic Centre committee refused this request and so the funeral Prayer was held at Pakistan Centre instead.

What Really Happened?

After speaking to many Islamic Centre committee members and also some young brothers who were affiliated with Islamic Centre the Al Haq team now have the real account of what happened.

When Bawa Akram Deobandi and other representatives of 41 held a meeting with the Islamic Centre committee to ask permission for the funeral prayer to be held there no requests were made by the 41 team for their own Imam to lead the Prayer. All that was decided was the day and time of the prayer.

On the day of the funeral prayer Bawa Akram didn’t request but ordered that a Deobandi imam will lead the Janaza Prayer. The Islamic Centre in Nottingham belongs to the Ahle-Sunnat wal Jamaat. The Ahle-Sunnat wal Jamaat is the orthodox branch of Islam which follows and propagates the true teachings of Islam. It is in the constitution of Islamic Centre that a non-sunni imam will never be allowed to lead any prayer at any time. Therefore that order was rejected. The Islamic Centre committee made it clear that the Janaza can take place but a Deobandi imam will not be given permission to lead the prayer. But the 41 team did not accept this and took the body and left to hold the funeral prayer at Pakistan Centre.

Now if the 41 team were so bent on showing unity why was it so important for them to have a Deobandi imam lead the prayer in a Sunni masjid? If they wanted unity so badly should they not have accepted the Islamic centre offer? What sort of claim to unity were the 41 team actually trying to make?

Throughout 41’s history they have left no stone unturned to propagate beliefs contrary to Islam, contrary to orthodox beliefs therefore beliefs different to Islamic Centre and Sneinton Masjid. Many discussions have taken place requesting the 41 team to come back into the fold of orthodox Islam. So many requests have been made by orthodox Muslims in Sneinton asking even begging the 41 team to unite on issues such as the start of Ramadan, Eid, Ramadan fast timing and even Prayer timings but the 41 team have refused every time. The 41 team have displayed so much hatred towards orthodox Muslims and Sunni masjids that they even have their own Friday prayers at Pakistan Centre which is just around the corner from Islamic centre. So then all of a sudden the 41 team make a display for unity. There is nothing wrong in trying to unite with other Muslims; in fact it is a very good move. But the claim of unity which is flawed and with fake intentions will always be rejected.

The fact that the 41 team still propagate that anyone that believes that the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him has the knowledge of the unseen is an idol worshipper makes clear the fake call to unity that they made. Surely if they wanted unity they would firstly stop labelling orthodox Muslims as idol worshippers, surely they would repent for their false beliefs, surely they would stop propagating disrespect to the Prophet peace be upon him (see Deobandi beliefs on blog homepage) and no doubt they would close their own institutes and join the ranks of the rest of the Muslims.

Many young brothers that were questioned about this funeral prayer fiasco expressed regret and anger at Islamic centre for not allowing the prayer to be held there, but if they want to blame anyone they should blame the 41 team. Islamic centre has never and will never refuse to allow any funeral prayer of a Muslim as long as all parties involved come to the agreement on complying with the constitution of Islamic Centre.

No one is saying that the Islamic centre committee are perfect and make no mistakes. But truth is truth.

41 'Mosque' Exposed

'41 Mosque' Exposed!

For a good number of years there has been a huge split within the muslim community in Sneinton and Bakersfield. This split occurred when a group of young ‘muslims’ started studying a corrupt and misguided version of Islam. This corrupt and misguided belief system is called Deobandism, deobandism is basically the asian version of the Arab Wahabis.

To Read the history of how the evil Wahabi sect came into creation please read the ‘Confessions of a British Spy’ which can be read online at

These brothers decided that it was time to start spreading what they had learnt (read their beliefs in the side column.) naturally the real Muslims of Sneinton and Bakersfield were not going to sit around whilst these lunatics spread their filth. A ban was imposed on them at the Sneinton Mosque in which they were not allowed to hold any gatherings in which misguided views were being propogated. These Deobandi fanatics decided to leave the Masjid altogether and started Praying in a house on Sneinton Dale—number 41. In the time of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam when all of the hypocrites were asked to leave the Prophets Mosque they established their own mosque fromwhere they could spread their evil misguided beliefs. But Allah ta’ala ordered the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam to burn down their fake mosque. But now is the time for us Muslims to put a stop to these fanatics. Did you know that the people involved in the 7/7 bombings were all directly linked to Deobandi groups?

Please do not be fooled to think that this was a government conspiracy against the Muslims. Facts are Facts. Now is the time that we all work together and expose these lunatics for what they really are. Have they not harmed the Muslims so much already? Because of them we have sons and daughters calling their parents Idol Worshippers! Because of them we have children doing Eid on a different day to their Parents! Because of them we have innocent Muslims being labled as misguided and idol worshippers. Do not be fooled by their sweet words or their Islamic clothing. The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam said "Nearing Qiyamah there will be a Group of people who will recite the Holy Quran but it will not go below their throats. They will leave the true Religion of Islam as fast as an arrow leaves the bow. They will be recognized by the shavings of their entire head and they will move in Groups and their last Group will emerge with Dajjal, when you meet them you will discover their nature and character, the worst of its kind." (reference: Mishkat pp/309)

The Main Deobandi group that 41 associate with is called Tableeghi Jamat. Check the following link to read the reality of this sect'at-Ahadis.htm

How will Deobandism affect the unity of Muslim's in Sneinton?

Now you may be thinking of all the places in the world why has Sneinton been brought into this? Well I will tell you why. In recent years Sneinton has become a focal point of Deobandi missionaries, every week the streets of Sneinton are littered with Deobandi preachers who go round knocking on people’s doors under the pretext of calling Muslims to the Masjid to pray. Little do the innocent Muslims of Sneinton know that what they are really calling them to is come and be brainwashed into thinking that their belief is the only correct one and all other Muslims are idol worshippers. The innocent Muslims of Sneinton need to be on the lookout! Even if you are not practising you should still stand up and defend the honour of your Holy Prophet Sallalahu alaihi wassalam.

Audio Debate between Sunni bro and 2 Deobandi Scholars

Audio Debate between a Sunni brother against 2 Deobandi Scholars.

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Part 3 -

Part 4 -

Part 5-

Part 6-

Part 7-

Part 8-

Part 9-

Monday, 13 September 2010

Some Deobandi Beliefs

In this edition we will discuss some Deobandi Beliefs. References from the books are in brackets.

Allah ta’ala can tell lies [fatawa rashidiya vol 1 page 19]

Satan and the Angel of Death have more knowledge than the Prophet Muhammad [Baraaheen-e-Qaati'ah, pages 51 and 52]

The kind of knowledge and the amount of knowledge that is given to the Holy Prophet is the same amount given to animals,children and mental people[hifzul imaan p7]

It is better to think of a donkey in namaz than to think of the Prophet in Namaz (prayer) [taqwiyatul imaan]

The Prophet learnt urdu from deobandi scholars [Baraaheen-e-Qaati'ah,p26]

A follower can have more good deeds than the Prophet[Tahzeerun-Naas, page 5]

These are just some of the quotes from the books of the deobandi scholars. Ask yourselves can any muslim have these absurd beliefs? I would not have believed it myself until i saw them in the original books. Now ask yourselves if it would still be considered Islamic to accept people with such beliefs as muslims and secondly to follow people that respect and admire the people that had such beliefs?

Short Debate With a '41' Preacher

A brother has sent in the following…

A few weeks ago I was sitting at my Aunties house in Sneinton. It was about 8pm when there was knock on the door. I went to open it and saw that there were 5 people standing in a semi circle. The group consisted of 4 young ‘brothers’ with beards and jubbas, one of them had a black and white striped turban. The leader of the clan was a short dark skinned man, I think he was Bengali. The Leader said salam and I replied. He then informed me that they were going around knocking on doors inviting people to the mosque to Pray Salah. I asked which Mosque they were invited to and he replied “41”, I replied “sorry, I don't really attend that place and quite frankly I don't agree with a lot of things that you people believe in”

He looked worried and replied back “Come on brother, we are all muslims, we should unite and be one” I could not believe that of all people a 41 preacher had the audacity to talk about muslim unity, I was getting a bit heated up and said “you talk about Muslim unity yet you’re the ones that opened a mosque around the corner from an already established mosque? What unity are you talking about? You have split the muslim community in Sneinton yet now you are talking about unity? Ok lets for one second say that you are sincere about unity, then go and speak to the people of 41 and tell them 41 needs to be closed so the muslims of Sneinton and Bakersfeild unite under the banner of the mosque that was opened first?” He was put on the spot and for a minute I thought he would say ok just so he could get away from me but his reply was “you know that’s not going to happen” I replied “its not going to happen because then you people wont have a platform to brainwash innocent muslims and wont be able to spread your evil beliefs.Preacher: and what evil beliefs are they?

Me: the belief that Allah ta’ala can tell lies.

Preacher: By Allah brother we do not believe this.

Me: don’t lie please, I have met many of your followers who have this belief.

Preacher: I swear by Allah that is these brothers say it to me I will call them kafir.

Me: answer one question, what do you and your people say about Rashid Gangohi?

Rashid Gangohi was an influential member and is one of the main sources of knowledge for Deobandi followers.

Preacher: Shaykh Gangohi was a true scholar and I love and admire him deeply.

Me: Well then you will be saddened to know that this person that you love and admire was the one that introduced this horrible view that Allah ta’ala can tell lies.

Preacher: La howla Wala Quwata – this is not true. Do not make up such things.

Me: don’t try to act all innocent infront of these new recruits. Here is the reference – Fatawa Rashidiya volume 1page 19, they will have it at 41 go and check for yourself.

Upon this the preacher turned to his new recruits and said “do not listen to him he is misguided and brainwashed, and started to walk away.

Me: Thats your answer to everything, why don’t you just go and check it out I will wait with these brothers here. How could I have made it up myself when I have given you the reference for the book that your great scholar wrote this belief in?

Preacher: JazakAllah brother I am not a debator, thank you for your time, we will be going now.

Me: No brother don’t go yet, I have another question; why do you people disrespect the Prophet peace be upon him?

Preacher: Thank you brother we must go now, you are extremely misguided and we do not want to argue.

Me: The fact is you are extremely misguided and you cannot take the fact that people know your real beliefs, tell me how can you call me misguided when it your people believe and I quote “It is better to think of a donkey in namaz than to think of the Prophet in Namaz (prayer) and it is written in this book taqwiyatul imaan, by another scholar your people love and respect?

Preacher: ok ok brother this is not the time for a debate you go your way and we will go our way.

Me: brother before you go I just want to let you know how I feel about you. I think that you people are the real enemies of Islam, you call people to your talks under the disguise of unity etc yet the reality is you call them to your places so you can slowly fill their minds with your poison. The fact that you have not been able to deny that your people and your scholars hold these disgusting beliefs tells me that you do not really care about the Muslims and are only worried about getting as many innocent sunni muslims into your belief system as possible.

Preacher: salam.