Some Muslim's that I have spoken to in Nottingham, especially young Muslim's are under the misconception that Wahabi's are a sect or a group within the Ahle-Sunnah wal Jamaah. Do not fall into this trap. Wahabi's are the reason for so much disunity amongst Muslim's today. It is the Wahabi sect that played a big role in creating other Sects such as Deobandism and Deobandism is the official Sect of Mosques such as 41 in Sneinton.
Check this link to - The Confessions of a British Spy and learn for yourself the reality of just what exactly the Wahabi's are.
Do not be fooled by these so called Muslim's. The Wahabi belief is actually worse than the Deobandi belief. The Deobandi belief is somewhat toned down (only in certain aspects).
Wahabis have such beliefs that The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam has turned to dust in his Grave (even though the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam stated "It is Haram on the Earth to eat the Bodies of the Prophets")
Other corrupt beliefs of this include the horrible view that Allah ta'ala has eyes, ears, hands, body and sits on a throne above paradise.
41 in Sneinton consists of mostly people who are near enough extreme Wahabi's but call themselves Deobandi's. People like Bawa Akram (May Allah darken his face) and that other hypocrite Talib who goes around saying that the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam is a normal Human being (astagferullah).
I urge all readers to learn the difference between the Ahle-Sunnah wal Jamaaah which the Group of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam and HIS companions and all those fake sects which have been set up by the enemies of Islam to disunite the Muslims and cause confusion amongst Muslim's.
i am whabi wots wrong with it :s
You are right we need to understand the differences between groups, being on the right or wrong path is often decided by which group we follow.
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