41 Mosque Exposed again – 41 Preachers believe that Insane Children and Animals had equal knowledge to the Holy Prophet Sallalahu alaihi wassalam.
Allah ta’ala refers to the Holy Prophet Sallalahu alaihi wassalam in the Qur’an as ‘Nabi’ which means the ‘Ghaib ki Khabar Batanay Wala’ In English the word Nabi would be close to meaning ‘The One that informs of the Unseen’
Brothers and sisters, throughout the Qur’an and Hadith there is endless proof to show that Allah ta’ala granted the Holy Prophet Sallalahu alaihi wassalam with the knowledge of the Unseen. This means that the Prophet Sallalahu alaihi wassalam knew about things that normal people do not know about. This is a brief definition of the Unseen (Ghaib)
Ghaib is that hidden and unseen thing which cannot be felt or experienced by any of the human senses (e.g. the ear, eye, etc.) or that which cannot be clearly envisaged by the intellect without a proof.
This is the sort of knowledge that we believe that our Holy Prophet Sallalahu alaihi wassalam had.
However 41 preachers and followers who call themselves Muslim’s have the a completely different belief which not only goes against the Qur’an and Hadith but it goes to extreme lengths in disrespecting the Holy Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam.
The Main Deobandi Scholar Ashraf Ali Thanvi who 41 preachers see as the reviver and saviour of their sect wrote in his book called ‘Hifz-ul-Imaan’
“The Knowledge of the unseen which has been given to the Prophet, This sort (aysa) of knowledge has also been given to insane people, lunatics, every child and four legged animals.”
(Reference Hifz-ul-Imaan by Ashraf Ali Thanvi – First edition printed in Urdu)
Astagferullah, May Allah ta’ala keep us safe and on the correct belief, look how much disrespect these people have for our beloved Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam that they compare his knowledge to the knowledge of insane people, lunatics, children and animals. Is this the respect that a Muslim shows to the Greatest Creation of Allah?
Check the video below, the speaker is one of the greatest Sunni Scholars alive - Hazrat Hashmi Mian from India, he is speaking in English and Urdu (mostly urdu). He has the above mentioned book in front of him and reads out the horrible belief of Deobandis and 41 preachers. Try to watch it if you can’t understand it get your parents to translate it for you.
Hashmi Mian challenged Deobandis of Britain to come to a debate with him in which he would prove the disbelief of their master Ashraf Thanvi but they never turned up. Cowards.
Ashraf Ali Thanvi was actually a British agent who the British recruited to spread confusion in the Subcontinent. When the Sunni Scholars declared Jihad against the British it was fake people like Ashraf Ali Thanvi who issued religious rulings saying that Muslim’s were not allowed to fight against the British. What a coward. The British were paying him 600 rupees a month. It was people like him who went into villages and cities and started causing problems which allowed the British to come and take over (under the name of peace keeping and installing law and order).
Brothers and sisters please be careful, these fake preachers prowl the streets 24/7 looking for people they can misguide and they normally target young people because they feel young people can be easily brainwashed. In fact back in the day they would promise munchies and youngsters would go running for free food. I would advise you not to even give them the time of day, if they approach you in the street and ask you to go to 41 then tell them to go to sneinton mosque which was there before. Tell them to go to sneinton mosque and speak with the imam. If you give them the opportunity then they will stick to you like chewing gum on a shoe.
Stick with people who truly Love Allah and the Prophet and that will help you increase your love for them aswell.
Once a Great Muslim scholar from Baghdad Iraq was visiting India. The Scholars name was Shaykh Sultan Muhammad Hasani. During his stay in Hyderbad India Deobandi Scholars used to come and meet him and they would act fake and treat him with a lot of respect. The one that showed him most respect was Ashraf Ali Thanvi. The Shaykh was not aware of their corrupt beliefs due to not being able to understand urdu. He was from Iraq so only understood Arabic or Persian.
Once Ashraf Thanvi came to meet Shaykh Sultan Muhammad, after kissing the shaykhs hand Ashraf Thanvi invited the Shaykh to a gathering that he was organising. The gathering was huge and had loads of people in attendance. Loads of Deobandi molvees came to escort Shaykh Sultan Muhammad to the stage. When Shaykh Sultan Muhammad got to the massive stage deobandi moulvees threw roses onto him. The shaykh sat down and started listening to the lecture that was being done by Ashraf Thanvi. The shaykh didn’t understand urdu so just sat there looking at the face of the speaker. As the gathering was in full swing suddenly the Shaykh stood up and threw one of his sandals towards Ashraf thanvi and shouted out to him “You scoundrel be quite i can smell the disbelief coming out from your mouth” then threw his other sandal at the hypocrite. Then the Shaykh ran towards Ashraf Thanvi and tried to catch him but Ashraf Thanvi and his cronies ran away. Everyone was stunned by what had happened.
The Shaykh went onto the stage and asked for a pen and paper when it was brought he wrote a religious edict declaring Ashraf Thanvi as a Kafir.
One of his followers asked him “Shaykh you do not understand urdu how do you know what he said?”
Shaykh replied “I don’t know urdu but I could smell disbelief from his mouth, you people were watching him yet I was listening to his heart. Every word he was uttering smelt of disbelief.
The same night the Shaykh went to sleep and saw the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam. The Prophet said to him “O Seyed Muhammad we are very pleased with you, ask for anything it will be granted.”
The Shaykh replied “O my Master I wish for Paradise”
The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam smiled and said “Granted”
The above incident has been noted by many Ulema's of Deccan and it can also be found in one of Maulana Arshadul Qadiri Rahmatullahi ’alayh Book.
Safety for Sunni's
Asslamu Alaikum
Welcome to Al-Haq - A Islamic Blog to educate the Muslims of Sneinton and Surrounding Areas about the evil beliefs of certain people and groups that are trying to confuse innocent Muslim's and encouraging them to accept False and Misguided Beliefs!
It is the job of every true follower of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon Him to defend his honour. For too long people have got away with insulting, degrading and even trying to humiliate My Master peace be upon Him. The horrible reality is that the people that are doing this call themselves Muslims!
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Welcome to Al-Haq - A Islamic Blog to educate the Muslims of Sneinton and Surrounding Areas about the evil beliefs of certain people and groups that are trying to confuse innocent Muslim's and encouraging them to accept False and Misguided Beliefs!
It is the job of every true follower of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon Him to defend his honour. For too long people have got away with insulting, degrading and even trying to humiliate My Master peace be upon Him. The horrible reality is that the people that are doing this call themselves Muslims!
We Have Moved to a New Home
Please visit and spread the word.
Friday, 26 November 2010
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Am I wrong to expose the Hypocrites?
It has been brought to my attention that some people think I am wrong in exposing the hypocrites. Here is a short clip of a speech by a young scholar from Birmingham -
Sunday, 21 November 2010
The Parents of the Prophet (peace be upon HIM and them)
The Parent's of the Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu alaihi wassalam Were Muslim!
According to preachers from 41 mosque sneinton dale and other deobandi/wahabi preachers the Parents of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam were Kafir - Astagferullah just how low will they go??
One of main Deobandi leaders that 41 preachers love and follow is a man called Rashid Gangohi he was asked about the parents of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam and he replied "The Parents of the Prophet were Kafir and are in Hell" Reference for this evil statement is Fatawa Rashidiyya which is a collection of his rulings and beliefs.
Insha'Allah ta'ala in this article I will aim to give some references proving that the Parents of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam were believers and will be in Paradise - and this the real Muslim belief.
First of all some background info...
It has been narrated that Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) would hear buzzing sounds coming from his forehead, whenever he walked in paradise he would notice that the angels would stop and look at him. Prophet Adam became worried and asked Allah Ta'ala about it. Allah Ta'al said to him “O Adam, the buzzing sound that you hear in actually the Noor (light) of my Beloved Muhammad, who will come from your offspring, and it is performing my zikr (rememberance). It is so beautiful and attractive that the angels can not resist looking at it.”
Upon hearing this P:rophet Adam (alaihisalaam) said to Allah Ta'ala “O Allah, why must I be deprived of seeing this holy Noor (light)? Please make it so that I can also witness the splender and glory of the Noor (light) of your Beloved”
Therefore Allah Ta'ala moved the Noor (light) of the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam from the forehead of Propher Adam into his Thumb. Upon seeing it Prophet Adam was wonderstruck and amazed and as a sign of respect he kissed his thumbs and placed them on his eyes.
“Qurata Ayni Bika Ya Rasullulah”
O Messenger of Allah az’zawajal you are the coolness of my eyes!
Brothers and Sisters, after the marriage of Prophet Adam to Hazrat Hawwa (Eve), this noor (light) was transferred to her, then after that to their son who was also a Prophet.
Brothers and Sisters this noor (light) passed from person to person until it came into a man named Abdullah. Abdullah was the son of Abdul Muttalib.
This noor (light) sparkled with brilliance on the face of Abdullah and because of it Abdullah became the most handsome man in the whole of Makkah.
Abdullah was known for his piety, he firmly detested idol worship and worshipped Allah ta'ala alone. He was a believer in ONE Allah in a time when the people around him worshipped many false gods, the kabah had over 300 idols stored inside it. The meccans were busy in pagan idol worship and had left the true religion.
Now you may ask yourself as to how Abdullah was a muslim even though he was surrounded by Kufr. How was he a believer even though the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam had not even been born?
This question has been answered by the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam himself. Hazrat Ibn Abbas states that the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam said
“After the time of Prophet Nuh (Noah), this earth was never empty of at least seven sincere believers in Allah az’zawajal, and because of these belivers Allah protected the rest of the people of the earth”
So basically in every generation Allah ta'ala created at least seven believers. Abdullah followed the religion of the Prophet Abraham and was one of these sincere believers.
A few hundred miles away in the city of Madinah, there was a tribe called the Bani Zuhra. In this tribe there was a pious young women named Amina. She was well known for her extreme piety and was the most beautiful women in the whole area. Aminah was also a believer in Allah ta'ala and was on the religion of Hazrat Ibrahim (alaihis salaam).
Mash’Allah, look at the wisdom of Allah Ta’ala that he beautifies the believers but makes the faces of the disbelievers and hypocrites horrible and repulsive to look at.
This can still be seen today, when you look at the faces of the true Muslim’s you see light on their faces and find it hard to look away, but Allah ta’ala has sent a lanat (curse) on the faces of the hypocrites. Upon seeing them a person cannot help but feel sick!
Brothers and Sisters, we have established that Abdullah was a believer and he belonged to the tribe of Quraysh. We have established that he had the nor (light) of the Prophet Muhammad sallalah alaihi wassalam in his forehead which made him the most handsome man in the whole of Arabia. And we have established that he was extremely pious.
We have also established that hundreds of miles away in the city of madina there was an extremely pious woman named Amina. We have established that She was a believer in a time when people were busy worshipping false gods, we have established that she was the most beautiful women in the whole of Arabia.
Brothers and Sisters, when you bring the most handsome man of Arabia and connect him to the most beautiful woman of Arabia, when you connect the most pious man of Arabia to the most pious woman of Arabia, when you connect one spiritual power to another spiritual power, when you connect one perfect belief in Allah to another Perfect belief in Allah, Brothers and Sisters the result of this connection is the one that is praised in the earth and the skies, the result of this is the One person who has in him all beauty and all good qualities, the result of this is the birth of the leader of mankind, the result of this is the birth of the destroyer of shirk (idol worship) and kufr (disbelief), the result of this powerful alliance of perfection and spiritual greatness is none other than the Holy Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam.
Abdullah was the father of the Holy Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam and Amina was the beloved Mother of the Holy Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam.
Upon them may the mercy of Allah constantly descend and through their sadqa may we all be under the mercy of Allah Ta’ala. Ameen
Allah Ta’ala states in the Holy Qur’an
“O you who believe, truly the pagans are impure”
Allah Ta’ala is saying that the people who worship false gods are impure.
The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam has said “Allah az’zawajal always transferred me from pious backs to pure wombs until I was from my parents”
Every time the nor (light) of the Prophet was transferred, it was transferred to only pious and pure people, meaning the ancestors of the holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam were pure believers and had the highest of Iman (Faith) in Allah
Ta’ala. We have already heard that Allah Ta’ala says that the idol worshippers are impure, so then how can that person be impure who has had in him the pure nor (light) of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam. How can the parents of the Prophet be impure? How would Allah Ta’ala allow the Pure, perfect nor (light) of His Beloved to mix with impurity?
The different between purity and impurity is like this example, if there was a full glass of milk and one drop of urine dropped into, would you still drink it?
Obviously we would never drink it. So these hypocrites are implying that the Noor of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is impure, and they are saying that the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is impure (Astagferullah, a thousand times Astagferullah)
The fact of the matter is that the Parents of the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam are Muslims and are Pure.
The Beloved Parents of the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam passed away before the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam declared His Prophethood. Abdullah passed away a few months before His Birth and Amina passed away when the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam was 6 years old. They were people of belief in the oneness of Allah az’zawajal.
Ummul Mumineen, Hazray Sayyida Aisha states we were with the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam during the farewell Hajj. We passed a place called ‘Uqbat al-Hajun’ The grave of the Mother of the Prophet, Hazrat Amina (sallalahu alaihi wassalam wa Radi Allahu Anha) was situated here. The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam stood very close to the grave and was very sad, tears were coming out of HIS blessed eyes.
Before I carry on, I would like to mention that The holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam forbade us to be upset for a kafir who dies. So if the Parents of the holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam were kafir, why would the Prophet stand at the grave and cry? Would this not be hypocrisy?
This is another proof that the parents of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam were infact believers, because the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam was the one that thought us halal and haraam, HE never committed any sins.
When the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam left the blessed grave he was very happy and smiling. Hazrat Sayyidah Aisha asked the holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam about the sudden change in the mood.
The Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam replied “when I was standing near the grave I made a dua to Allah ta’ala to resurrect my mother, my dua was accepted and Allah ta’ala brought her back to life, she recited the kalimah and then passed away again.
Our Master, The reviver of Islam, Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (alaihi Rahmatur Rahmaan) writes that do not think that the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam was upset because he thought that she was not a muslim, therefore did a dua for her to come to life so he could make her a muslim. No. never, we have already established that she was already a believer in the oneness of Allah ta’ala. The Prophet was sad because that was his beloved mother; he showed the same compassion and mercy that any child shows for his parents. He made dua for her to come to life because he wanted her to bring Imaan onto HIM, and so that he could teach her the fundamentals of ISLAM.
There is just too much evidence in the Quran and Hadith that the Parents of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam were firm believers and are of the people of paradise. How can anyone reject this?
What game are the hypocrites trying to play? First they say that The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is normal, then they say that he sallalahu alaihi wassalam cannot help anyone, then they say that he sallalahu alaihi wassalam is dead and turned to dust, then they say that his family are normal people and they cannot benefit anyone, then they say that his companions used to commit sins, then they say it is shirk (idol worship) to ask the Prophet for help and they say that the Parents of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam were kafirs and will go to hell, astagferullah.
Then to top it all off, these idiots say that they love the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam? Curse of Allah is on the Liars.
They are trying to take out the respect and love of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam from the hearts of the muslims. The purpose of their mission is to divide the ummah against the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam.
In fact they even say that we are not allowed to praise the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam. They want to remove the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam from our hearts, but we are people of Ishq (love) we will not allow them to do that.
These same people are the ones who supposedly stress the importance of eating halaal. When they go to shops and supermarkets they will take their time to read the ingredients to make sure there is nothing haraam. But what benefit is there is eating halal when you are doing the biggest haraam by disrespecting the Holy Prophet and his parents.
These people can be compared to the people in the following example.
A brother states that he used to work in a take away. One day a group of Muslims came into the shop, it was really late and they had just come back from clubbing. They stank of alcohol and before they gave their order in they asked the staff “Is this take away halal”
After all the haraam they had just committed, they went to the club, they drank alcohol and who knows what other haraam things they got up to. Then they still think that they are good muslims because they eat halal.
To respect and honour the holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is from the fundamentals of Islam. The Love of the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is the foundation of Islam. If a person truly loves the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam from the heart then that person can never go astray.
Please be aware and cautious of all of these fake preachers who want to turn you against the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam.
According to preachers from 41 mosque sneinton dale and other deobandi/wahabi preachers the Parents of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam were Kafir - Astagferullah just how low will they go??
One of main Deobandi leaders that 41 preachers love and follow is a man called Rashid Gangohi he was asked about the parents of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam and he replied "The Parents of the Prophet were Kafir and are in Hell" Reference for this evil statement is Fatawa Rashidiyya which is a collection of his rulings and beliefs.
Insha'Allah ta'ala in this article I will aim to give some references proving that the Parents of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam were believers and will be in Paradise - and this the real Muslim belief.
First of all some background info...
It has been narrated that Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) would hear buzzing sounds coming from his forehead, whenever he walked in paradise he would notice that the angels would stop and look at him. Prophet Adam became worried and asked Allah Ta'ala about it. Allah Ta'al said to him “O Adam, the buzzing sound that you hear in actually the Noor (light) of my Beloved Muhammad, who will come from your offspring, and it is performing my zikr (rememberance). It is so beautiful and attractive that the angels can not resist looking at it.”
Upon hearing this P:rophet Adam (alaihisalaam) said to Allah Ta'ala “O Allah, why must I be deprived of seeing this holy Noor (light)? Please make it so that I can also witness the splender and glory of the Noor (light) of your Beloved”
Therefore Allah Ta'ala moved the Noor (light) of the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam from the forehead of Propher Adam into his Thumb. Upon seeing it Prophet Adam was wonderstruck and amazed and as a sign of respect he kissed his thumbs and placed them on his eyes.
“Qurata Ayni Bika Ya Rasullulah”
O Messenger of Allah az’zawajal you are the coolness of my eyes!
Brothers and Sisters, after the marriage of Prophet Adam to Hazrat Hawwa (Eve), this noor (light) was transferred to her, then after that to their son who was also a Prophet.
Brothers and Sisters this noor (light) passed from person to person until it came into a man named Abdullah. Abdullah was the son of Abdul Muttalib.
This noor (light) sparkled with brilliance on the face of Abdullah and because of it Abdullah became the most handsome man in the whole of Makkah.
Abdullah was known for his piety, he firmly detested idol worship and worshipped Allah ta'ala alone. He was a believer in ONE Allah in a time when the people around him worshipped many false gods, the kabah had over 300 idols stored inside it. The meccans were busy in pagan idol worship and had left the true religion.
Now you may ask yourself as to how Abdullah was a muslim even though he was surrounded by Kufr. How was he a believer even though the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam had not even been born?
This question has been answered by the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam himself. Hazrat Ibn Abbas states that the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam said
“After the time of Prophet Nuh (Noah), this earth was never empty of at least seven sincere believers in Allah az’zawajal, and because of these belivers Allah protected the rest of the people of the earth”
So basically in every generation Allah ta'ala created at least seven believers. Abdullah followed the religion of the Prophet Abraham and was one of these sincere believers.
A few hundred miles away in the city of Madinah, there was a tribe called the Bani Zuhra. In this tribe there was a pious young women named Amina. She was well known for her extreme piety and was the most beautiful women in the whole area. Aminah was also a believer in Allah ta'ala and was on the religion of Hazrat Ibrahim (alaihis salaam).
Mash’Allah, look at the wisdom of Allah Ta’ala that he beautifies the believers but makes the faces of the disbelievers and hypocrites horrible and repulsive to look at.
This can still be seen today, when you look at the faces of the true Muslim’s you see light on their faces and find it hard to look away, but Allah ta’ala has sent a lanat (curse) on the faces of the hypocrites. Upon seeing them a person cannot help but feel sick!
Brothers and Sisters, we have established that Abdullah was a believer and he belonged to the tribe of Quraysh. We have established that he had the nor (light) of the Prophet Muhammad sallalah alaihi wassalam in his forehead which made him the most handsome man in the whole of Arabia. And we have established that he was extremely pious.
We have also established that hundreds of miles away in the city of madina there was an extremely pious woman named Amina. We have established that She was a believer in a time when people were busy worshipping false gods, we have established that she was the most beautiful women in the whole of Arabia.
Brothers and Sisters, when you bring the most handsome man of Arabia and connect him to the most beautiful woman of Arabia, when you connect the most pious man of Arabia to the most pious woman of Arabia, when you connect one spiritual power to another spiritual power, when you connect one perfect belief in Allah to another Perfect belief in Allah, Brothers and Sisters the result of this connection is the one that is praised in the earth and the skies, the result of this is the One person who has in him all beauty and all good qualities, the result of this is the birth of the leader of mankind, the result of this is the birth of the destroyer of shirk (idol worship) and kufr (disbelief), the result of this powerful alliance of perfection and spiritual greatness is none other than the Holy Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam.
Abdullah was the father of the Holy Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam and Amina was the beloved Mother of the Holy Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam.
Upon them may the mercy of Allah constantly descend and through their sadqa may we all be under the mercy of Allah Ta’ala. Ameen
Allah Ta’ala states in the Holy Qur’an
“O you who believe, truly the pagans are impure”
Allah Ta’ala is saying that the people who worship false gods are impure.
The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam has said “Allah az’zawajal always transferred me from pious backs to pure wombs until I was from my parents”
Every time the nor (light) of the Prophet was transferred, it was transferred to only pious and pure people, meaning the ancestors of the holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam were pure believers and had the highest of Iman (Faith) in Allah
Ta’ala. We have already heard that Allah Ta’ala says that the idol worshippers are impure, so then how can that person be impure who has had in him the pure nor (light) of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam. How can the parents of the Prophet be impure? How would Allah Ta’ala allow the Pure, perfect nor (light) of His Beloved to mix with impurity?
The different between purity and impurity is like this example, if there was a full glass of milk and one drop of urine dropped into, would you still drink it?
Obviously we would never drink it. So these hypocrites are implying that the Noor of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is impure, and they are saying that the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is impure (Astagferullah, a thousand times Astagferullah)
The fact of the matter is that the Parents of the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam are Muslims and are Pure.
The Beloved Parents of the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam passed away before the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam declared His Prophethood. Abdullah passed away a few months before His Birth and Amina passed away when the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam was 6 years old. They were people of belief in the oneness of Allah az’zawajal.
Ummul Mumineen, Hazray Sayyida Aisha states we were with the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam during the farewell Hajj. We passed a place called ‘Uqbat al-Hajun’ The grave of the Mother of the Prophet, Hazrat Amina (sallalahu alaihi wassalam wa Radi Allahu Anha) was situated here. The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam stood very close to the grave and was very sad, tears were coming out of HIS blessed eyes.
Before I carry on, I would like to mention that The holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam forbade us to be upset for a kafir who dies. So if the Parents of the holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam were kafir, why would the Prophet stand at the grave and cry? Would this not be hypocrisy?
This is another proof that the parents of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam were infact believers, because the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam was the one that thought us halal and haraam, HE never committed any sins.
When the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam left the blessed grave he was very happy and smiling. Hazrat Sayyidah Aisha asked the holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam about the sudden change in the mood.
The Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam replied “when I was standing near the grave I made a dua to Allah ta’ala to resurrect my mother, my dua was accepted and Allah ta’ala brought her back to life, she recited the kalimah and then passed away again.
Our Master, The reviver of Islam, Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (alaihi Rahmatur Rahmaan) writes that do not think that the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam was upset because he thought that she was not a muslim, therefore did a dua for her to come to life so he could make her a muslim. No. never, we have already established that she was already a believer in the oneness of Allah ta’ala. The Prophet was sad because that was his beloved mother; he showed the same compassion and mercy that any child shows for his parents. He made dua for her to come to life because he wanted her to bring Imaan onto HIM, and so that he could teach her the fundamentals of ISLAM.
There is just too much evidence in the Quran and Hadith that the Parents of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam were firm believers and are of the people of paradise. How can anyone reject this?
What game are the hypocrites trying to play? First they say that The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is normal, then they say that he sallalahu alaihi wassalam cannot help anyone, then they say that he sallalahu alaihi wassalam is dead and turned to dust, then they say that his family are normal people and they cannot benefit anyone, then they say that his companions used to commit sins, then they say it is shirk (idol worship) to ask the Prophet for help and they say that the Parents of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam were kafirs and will go to hell, astagferullah.
Then to top it all off, these idiots say that they love the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam? Curse of Allah is on the Liars.
They are trying to take out the respect and love of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam from the hearts of the muslims. The purpose of their mission is to divide the ummah against the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam.
In fact they even say that we are not allowed to praise the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam. They want to remove the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam from our hearts, but we are people of Ishq (love) we will not allow them to do that.
These same people are the ones who supposedly stress the importance of eating halaal. When they go to shops and supermarkets they will take their time to read the ingredients to make sure there is nothing haraam. But what benefit is there is eating halal when you are doing the biggest haraam by disrespecting the Holy Prophet and his parents.
These people can be compared to the people in the following example.
A brother states that he used to work in a take away. One day a group of Muslims came into the shop, it was really late and they had just come back from clubbing. They stank of alcohol and before they gave their order in they asked the staff “Is this take away halal”
After all the haraam they had just committed, they went to the club, they drank alcohol and who knows what other haraam things they got up to. Then they still think that they are good muslims because they eat halal.
To respect and honour the holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is from the fundamentals of Islam. The Love of the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is the foundation of Islam. If a person truly loves the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam from the heart then that person can never go astray.
Please be aware and cautious of all of these fake preachers who want to turn you against the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam.
Saturday, 20 November 2010
A Reply to a Deobandi Comment!
41 mosque sneinton dale exposed
My reply to a comment posted by anonymous on the 'Can a follower have more good deeds than the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam' article click link to view - http://sneintonmuslims.blogspot.com/2010/11/can-muslims-have-more-good-deeds-than.html
Here is my answer, his comments in RED.
U r such a loser who ever u r I have read all ur comments u have no leg to stand
Alhamdullilah I have two legs to stand on! Who are you to judge how many legs I have? Are you discriminating me because you think I am disabled? The real disabled people are the ones who disrespect Allah ta'ala and His Prophet peace be upon him because Allah ta'ala says about them that they are deaf, dumb and blind! are you one of these aswell?
Now that we know who the 'disabled' one really is. Why don't you try to at least answer the posts? is it because you know that you cannot answer them? Because you know I can easily refute you? (By the will of Allah of course)
on a proper attention seeker
I admit I am trying to seek attention, the attention of those that your cult tries to misguide. Is that wrong? Well of course that's wrong according to you because when people are made aware of the evil beliefs of your evil cult it severly limits chances of brainwashing them. It's good that the truth hurts maybe because of it you will wake up aswell.
prob u not even a Muslim hiding behind some computer nothing else to do.
There you go, same mentality as your deobandi leaders. Lable anyone that exposes your evil beliefs as a non-muslim but follow and love those that disprespect Allah ta'ala and the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam. Why don't you lable those people non-muslims who believe Allah ta'ala can lie? Is it because your one of them aswell? You say I am hiding behind a computer screen yet you sent your comment as anonymous?
I'm not a follower of any mosque or organisation my prayers are for Allah swt and him only and also u should do the same
What are you trying to say? Because I may be attached to a certain masjid or group that my Prayers are not to Allah? If you are not with any mosque or organisation then you should not have any problem or concern with this blog exposing hypocrites. That seems like a lie, do you know that the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam once said a Muslim can never be a Liar? yet what would you and your people care about lying when You believe Allah ta'ala can lie.
who are u to judge anyone??
Ask that question to yourself, every sentence you have wrote you have judged me! So what right do you have to ask that question to me?
May Allah forgive u And pray to Allah for forgiveness
Yes thank you for the prayer my prayer for you is may Allah guide you onto the truth path.
I should not forget it's a big sin to call a Muslim a non Muslim
Yes 'you' should not forget and you should repent for trying to lable me a non-muslim without any evidence whatsoever. If I have implied anyone is a kafir I have given proof from the writings of their own books and sayings of their own leaders.
To respect kufr (disbelief) is classified as kufr (disbelief)
Also its rich you telling me that. What about your deobandi brothers who say sunnis are idol worshippers?
know let's see if u publish this u coward
Lol you say that with soo much passion it is as if you feel that you have intimidated or scared me. Anyways your argument has been ripped apart, go back to 41 and think of something else.
Here I have got a poem for you..
O my servants -Yaa Ibaadee' said to us Allah's Beloved Messenger;
Why do you grumble at the conferment of this honour on us by our master?
O Deobandi! The Prophet has not addressed these words to your community;
Why do you grumble when you never did nor ever will pledge to him your loyalty?
The Quran says 'Laa Yaoodoom': They will never return to the fold of loyalty:
Why do you grumble? Just understand that you are excluded till eternity.
We profoundly respect the sacred desert that surrounds Taybah;
Why do you grumble to assess whether it is equal to or more than Makkah?
O Najdi! You burn with jealously when we hold the Prophet in high esteem;
Why do you grumble at our adhering to this article of 'Deen' Supreme.
Your Ghost 'Deo' is happy with you; we have no reason to feel annoyed;
Why do you grumble, if Allah is pleased with us and we are overjoyed.
O Deobandis! We do not object to your following your arrogant master;
Why do you grumble, if we are sincere devotees of Allah's Merciful Messenger?
O Najdis! Nobody has stolen anything from your Hell;
Why do you grumble, if Raza has arrived in Heaven safe and quite well?
My reply to a comment posted by anonymous on the 'Can a follower have more good deeds than the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam' article click link to view - http://sneintonmuslims.blogspot.com/2010/11/can-muslims-have-more-good-deeds-than.html
Here is my answer, his comments in RED.
U r such a loser who ever u r I have read all ur comments u have no leg to stand
Alhamdullilah I have two legs to stand on! Who are you to judge how many legs I have? Are you discriminating me because you think I am disabled? The real disabled people are the ones who disrespect Allah ta'ala and His Prophet peace be upon him because Allah ta'ala says about them that they are deaf, dumb and blind! are you one of these aswell?
Now that we know who the 'disabled' one really is. Why don't you try to at least answer the posts? is it because you know that you cannot answer them? Because you know I can easily refute you? (By the will of Allah of course)
on a proper attention seeker
I admit I am trying to seek attention, the attention of those that your cult tries to misguide. Is that wrong? Well of course that's wrong according to you because when people are made aware of the evil beliefs of your evil cult it severly limits chances of brainwashing them. It's good that the truth hurts maybe because of it you will wake up aswell.
prob u not even a Muslim hiding behind some computer nothing else to do.
There you go, same mentality as your deobandi leaders. Lable anyone that exposes your evil beliefs as a non-muslim but follow and love those that disprespect Allah ta'ala and the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam. Why don't you lable those people non-muslims who believe Allah ta'ala can lie? Is it because your one of them aswell? You say I am hiding behind a computer screen yet you sent your comment as anonymous?
I'm not a follower of any mosque or organisation my prayers are for Allah swt and him only and also u should do the same
What are you trying to say? Because I may be attached to a certain masjid or group that my Prayers are not to Allah? If you are not with any mosque or organisation then you should not have any problem or concern with this blog exposing hypocrites. That seems like a lie, do you know that the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam once said a Muslim can never be a Liar? yet what would you and your people care about lying when You believe Allah ta'ala can lie.
who are u to judge anyone??
Ask that question to yourself, every sentence you have wrote you have judged me! So what right do you have to ask that question to me?
May Allah forgive u And pray to Allah for forgiveness
Yes thank you for the prayer my prayer for you is may Allah guide you onto the truth path.
I should not forget it's a big sin to call a Muslim a non Muslim
Yes 'you' should not forget and you should repent for trying to lable me a non-muslim without any evidence whatsoever. If I have implied anyone is a kafir I have given proof from the writings of their own books and sayings of their own leaders.
To respect kufr (disbelief) is classified as kufr (disbelief)
Also its rich you telling me that. What about your deobandi brothers who say sunnis are idol worshippers?
know let's see if u publish this u coward
Lol you say that with soo much passion it is as if you feel that you have intimidated or scared me. Anyways your argument has been ripped apart, go back to 41 and think of something else.
Here I have got a poem for you..
O my servants -Yaa Ibaadee' said to us Allah's Beloved Messenger;
Why do you grumble at the conferment of this honour on us by our master?
O Deobandi! The Prophet has not addressed these words to your community;
Why do you grumble when you never did nor ever will pledge to him your loyalty?
The Quran says 'Laa Yaoodoom': They will never return to the fold of loyalty:
Why do you grumble? Just understand that you are excluded till eternity.
We profoundly respect the sacred desert that surrounds Taybah;
Why do you grumble to assess whether it is equal to or more than Makkah?
O Najdi! You burn with jealously when we hold the Prophet in high esteem;
Why do you grumble at our adhering to this article of 'Deen' Supreme.
Your Ghost 'Deo' is happy with you; we have no reason to feel annoyed;
Why do you grumble, if Allah is pleased with us and we are overjoyed.
O Deobandis! We do not object to your following your arrogant master;
Why do you grumble, if we are sincere devotees of Allah's Merciful Messenger?
O Najdis! Nobody has stolen anything from your Hell;
Why do you grumble, if Raza has arrived in Heaven safe and quite well?
Friday, 19 November 2010
Pakistan Cricket Players
I was on youtube and found some videos of Pakistani Cricket players, Celebrities and Boxers visiting a Real Muslim Mosque
Abdul Qadir and Shahid Nazir
Imran Farhat
Muhammad Amir
Umar Akmal and Saeed Ajmal
Abdul Rehman
Muhammad Amir
Imran Farhat
African Boxers
Former Singer
Abdul Qadir and Shahid Nazir
Imran Farhat
Muhammad Amir
Umar Akmal and Saeed Ajmal
Abdul Rehman
Muhammad Amir
Imran Farhat
African Boxers
Former Singer
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Can Muslim's have more good deeds than the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam?
Can Muslim's have more good deeds than the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam?
Deobandi 'scholars' and followers such as 41 mosque in sneinton etc believe that a Muslim can outdo The Holy Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam when it comes to good deeds.
"Prophets are higher and better than their followers ( Ummati) only in knowledge. When it comes to good deeds, the ummati(followers) attain the equal status of prophets and sometimes they go above them" [ Tahdhir al nas, by Qasim Nanotvi al deobandi]
The quote is from a book called Tahdhir al Nas written by Qasim Nanotvi who was the one of founders of the Deobandi sect which was created by the British.
This is a wrong belief and is not accepted by real Muslim's. The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam taught the world how to do good deeds so the hell can a follower end up having more good deeds than him?
41 preachers in sneinton think so low of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam.
Brothers and Sisters beware of these fake Muslim's.
The real Islamic belief is that NO ONE can equal the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam in any greatness.
Since I started this blog a few people have contacted me and asked me to stop in their own specific ways. Some have insulted me and some have asked in a good manner.
Some have said I am splitting up the Muslim's. My answer to all of you is Sorry Truth is Truth and will never be silenced. The reality is I am not splitting Muslim's I am informing my brothers and sisters about those of the people that are really dis-uniting the Muslim's.
41 preachers and other deobandi and wahabis call real Muslim's Innovators and Mushriks (Idol worshippers) yet you say i am splitting up Muslims? 41 preachers say anyone celebrating the Birth of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is the same as a hindu who celebrated the birth of their gods? yet you say I am splitting up the Muslim's? 41 preachers say anyone who does a khatum on Thursdays nights is a ignorant fool yet you say I am splitting the Muslim's? 41 preachers say anyone who believes that the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam can hear us when we ask him for help are idol worshippers yet you say I am splitting up the Muslim's?
Throughout the last 200 years Wahabis and Deobandis have labelled Muslim's as Idol worshippers. What crime have muslim's committed for them to be labled as idol worshippers? do you know what an idol worshipper is? an idol worshipper is a person that worships statues. The people of Makkah were mostly idol worshippers before The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam gave them the invitation to Islam. For centuries muslim's have followed the teachings of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam and then all of a sudden these Deobandis and Wahabis call them idol worshippers because they follow these teachings?
So Deobandi's and wahabis believe that anyone who follows the true teachings of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is wrong and misguided.
Under the supervision of the British and other enemies of Islam they have been splitting and confusing Muslim's for over 200 years yet according to some people I am the one splitting up the Muslim's?
I say again I am not splitting up the Muslim's in fact I am exposing those hypocrites have have grown beards and preach hatred and evil against Real Muslim's.
One brother asked me to concentrate on myself and not others. Alhamdullilah I do concentrate on myself but I will continue with this mission to expose the western agents whose aim is to confuse real Muslim's!
Defending The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is a command of Allah ta'ala. The pious Muslim's of the past gave their lives to defend the status of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam so please wake up from this dream that these people are real Muslim's.
The fact that to this day these wahabis and deobandi's have not proven me wrong, if they are real Muslim's why don't they prove me to be a liar?
All they can do is send private messages insulting me, I will not show them because young brothers and sisters read this blog. Look how upset they get when their group of leaders get exposed but then turn a blind eye when their group and leaders insult Allah, the Prophet and real Muslim's.Verily The Truth Has Come And Falshood Has Perished, Verily Falsehood Is a Perisher (Qur'an)
So big up for all those who have supported me in this mission! May Allah ta'ala grant you Paradise.
STAY SUNNI - When it comes to the Honour of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam Real Muslim's do not Compromise.
Deobandi 'scholars' and followers such as 41 mosque in sneinton etc believe that a Muslim can outdo The Holy Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam when it comes to good deeds.
"Prophets are higher and better than their followers ( Ummati) only in knowledge. When it comes to good deeds, the ummati(followers) attain the equal status of prophets and sometimes they go above them" [ Tahdhir al nas, by Qasim Nanotvi al deobandi]
The quote is from a book called Tahdhir al Nas written by Qasim Nanotvi who was the one of founders of the Deobandi sect which was created by the British.
This is a wrong belief and is not accepted by real Muslim's. The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam taught the world how to do good deeds so the hell can a follower end up having more good deeds than him?
41 preachers in sneinton think so low of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam.
Brothers and Sisters beware of these fake Muslim's.
The real Islamic belief is that NO ONE can equal the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam in any greatness.
Since I started this blog a few people have contacted me and asked me to stop in their own specific ways. Some have insulted me and some have asked in a good manner.
Some have said I am splitting up the Muslim's. My answer to all of you is Sorry Truth is Truth and will never be silenced. The reality is I am not splitting Muslim's I am informing my brothers and sisters about those of the people that are really dis-uniting the Muslim's.
41 preachers and other deobandi and wahabis call real Muslim's Innovators and Mushriks (Idol worshippers) yet you say i am splitting up Muslims? 41 preachers say anyone celebrating the Birth of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is the same as a hindu who celebrated the birth of their gods? yet you say I am splitting up the Muslim's? 41 preachers say anyone who does a khatum on Thursdays nights is a ignorant fool yet you say I am splitting the Muslim's? 41 preachers say anyone who believes that the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam can hear us when we ask him for help are idol worshippers yet you say I am splitting up the Muslim's?
Throughout the last 200 years Wahabis and Deobandis have labelled Muslim's as Idol worshippers. What crime have muslim's committed for them to be labled as idol worshippers? do you know what an idol worshipper is? an idol worshipper is a person that worships statues. The people of Makkah were mostly idol worshippers before The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam gave them the invitation to Islam. For centuries muslim's have followed the teachings of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam and then all of a sudden these Deobandis and Wahabis call them idol worshippers because they follow these teachings?
So Deobandi's and wahabis believe that anyone who follows the true teachings of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is wrong and misguided.
Under the supervision of the British and other enemies of Islam they have been splitting and confusing Muslim's for over 200 years yet according to some people I am the one splitting up the Muslim's?
I say again I am not splitting up the Muslim's in fact I am exposing those hypocrites have have grown beards and preach hatred and evil against Real Muslim's.
One brother asked me to concentrate on myself and not others. Alhamdullilah I do concentrate on myself but I will continue with this mission to expose the western agents whose aim is to confuse real Muslim's!
Defending The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is a command of Allah ta'ala. The pious Muslim's of the past gave their lives to defend the status of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam so please wake up from this dream that these people are real Muslim's.
The fact that to this day these wahabis and deobandi's have not proven me wrong, if they are real Muslim's why don't they prove me to be a liar?
All they can do is send private messages insulting me, I will not show them because young brothers and sisters read this blog. Look how upset they get when their group of leaders get exposed but then turn a blind eye when their group and leaders insult Allah, the Prophet and real Muslim's.Verily The Truth Has Come And Falshood Has Perished, Verily Falsehood Is a Perisher (Qur'an)
So big up for all those who have supported me in this mission! May Allah ta'ala grant you Paradise.
STAY SUNNI - When it comes to the Honour of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam Real Muslim's do not Compromise.
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
The differences between Real Muslim's and Wahabi's
The differences between Real Muslim's and Wahabi's
A brother asked me a Question as to the differences between real Muslim’s and Wahabi’s. I have decided to reply here. Please share the link to this article with other Brothers and Sisters so that they can be made aware of the Truth.
First of all remember that wahabism was created by the British. The British were unable to topple the ottoman Islamic empire so they recruited people as agents in Arab countries. One of the main misguided beliefs was nationalism in that their recruits or agents started preaching that Arabs were the highest form of Muslim therefore they should not be ruled by Ottomans who were Turkish. This went against the saying of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam that No white man is better than a black man etc..
Other new beliefs that they introduced were as follows;
1) You should respect the Prophet as a man and elder brother but too much respect for him is forbidden because by respecting Him too much is worshipping him.
Real Muslim's believe that there is no limit to the respect of the Holy Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam. We are taught from the Hadith that everything was created from the Light of the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam and Allah azzawajal even mentions in the Qur’an about the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam’s status
“And we have exalted your remembrance”
We believe that Respect for the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is the road to Respect of Allah ta’ala.
2) Wahabi’s believe that the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is dead and his body has turned to dust and that he cannot help himself let alone anyone else.
We believe that no doubt death comes to every soul even the Prophets. In the case of the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam as with other Prophets we are taught that their soul is taken out to fulfil the command of Allah then is placed back in to their bodies. The fact that there is no account of the Prophet’s Janaza being read in any book etc just proves that Prophet Muhammad along with other Prophets etc is alive in the grave.
Allah azzawajal states about the Martyrs (shaheed)
“Do not say about those who are slain in the cause of Allah, that they are dead. Nay, they are alive, but you do not perceive it". (Surat Al-Baqarah 2:154)
If this is the status that shaheeds are given then imagine the status of the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam who taught people how to be shaheed.
Also regarding the body turning to dust Real Muslim’s believe that the body of a Prophet does not decay or rot after death.
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) stated the following: “Recite a lot of ‘salawat’ (a prayer in which God is asked to bless the Prophet Muhammad and his descendants) on Fridays. The salawat recited that day are witnessed; angels witness them. Whoever recites a salawat for me, I am informed of it before its recitation finishes.”
Thereupon, I said: “Even after you have died?”
“Yes, he said, even after I have died. For this reason, Allah, the All-Mighty forbade the earth to decay the bodies of the prophets. The Prophets of Allah are always alive, and they are blessed with sustenance.” (Reference see Abu Dawud, salat, 207; Nasai, Jumua 5, 45; Ibn Majah, Janaiz 65; Ahmad b. Hanbal, IV, 8)
4)They believe that Allah ta'ala has a Form and Shape with hands, eyes, feet etc (see previous articles about Wahabi's on this blog for more info)
There are many other differences between Real Muslim’s and wahabi’s too many to mention right now. You should that the main aim of the Wahabi’s is to basically take away the love and respect of the Prophet Sallalahu alaihi wassalam because it is the Love and Respect of the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam that binds Muslim’s together and makes them unite!
Please watch this video in which the sheikh exposes some other corrupt beliefs of the wahabi sect.
A brother asked me a Question as to the differences between real Muslim’s and Wahabi’s. I have decided to reply here. Please share the link to this article with other Brothers and Sisters so that they can be made aware of the Truth.
First of all remember that wahabism was created by the British. The British were unable to topple the ottoman Islamic empire so they recruited people as agents in Arab countries. One of the main misguided beliefs was nationalism in that their recruits or agents started preaching that Arabs were the highest form of Muslim therefore they should not be ruled by Ottomans who were Turkish. This went against the saying of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam that No white man is better than a black man etc..
Other new beliefs that they introduced were as follows;
1) You should respect the Prophet as a man and elder brother but too much respect for him is forbidden because by respecting Him too much is worshipping him.
Real Muslim's believe that there is no limit to the respect of the Holy Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam. We are taught from the Hadith that everything was created from the Light of the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam and Allah azzawajal even mentions in the Qur’an about the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam’s status
“And we have exalted your remembrance”
We believe that Respect for the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is the road to Respect of Allah ta’ala.
2) Wahabi’s believe that the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is dead and his body has turned to dust and that he cannot help himself let alone anyone else.
We believe that no doubt death comes to every soul even the Prophets. In the case of the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam as with other Prophets we are taught that their soul is taken out to fulfil the command of Allah then is placed back in to their bodies. The fact that there is no account of the Prophet’s Janaza being read in any book etc just proves that Prophet Muhammad along with other Prophets etc is alive in the grave.
Allah azzawajal states about the Martyrs (shaheed)
“Do not say about those who are slain in the cause of Allah, that they are dead. Nay, they are alive, but you do not perceive it". (Surat Al-Baqarah 2:154)
If this is the status that shaheeds are given then imagine the status of the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam who taught people how to be shaheed.
Also regarding the body turning to dust Real Muslim’s believe that the body of a Prophet does not decay or rot after death.
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) stated the following: “Recite a lot of ‘salawat’ (a prayer in which God is asked to bless the Prophet Muhammad and his descendants) on Fridays. The salawat recited that day are witnessed; angels witness them. Whoever recites a salawat for me, I am informed of it before its recitation finishes.”
Thereupon, I said: “Even after you have died?”
“Yes, he said, even after I have died. For this reason, Allah, the All-Mighty forbade the earth to decay the bodies of the prophets. The Prophets of Allah are always alive, and they are blessed with sustenance.” (Reference see Abu Dawud, salat, 207; Nasai, Jumua 5, 45; Ibn Majah, Janaiz 65; Ahmad b. Hanbal, IV, 8)
4)They believe that Allah ta'ala has a Form and Shape with hands, eyes, feet etc (see previous articles about Wahabi's on this blog for more info)
There are many other differences between Real Muslim’s and wahabi’s too many to mention right now. You should that the main aim of the Wahabi’s is to basically take away the love and respect of the Prophet Sallalahu alaihi wassalam because it is the Love and Respect of the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam that binds Muslim’s together and makes them unite!
Please watch this video in which the sheikh exposes some other corrupt beliefs of the wahabi sect.
Monday, 15 November 2010
41 mosque TO think of a DONKEY in Namaz is BETTER than thinking of the Prophet
Is thinking about a Donkey In Salah (Namaz) better than thinking of The Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam?
Deobandi's (41 Mosque Sneinton)believe that it is better to think about a donkey in namaz than think about the BLESSED and HOLY PROPHET MUHAMMAD SALLALAHU ALAIHI WASSALAM! Astagferullah!
Just in case you think I am making this up heres the quote;
It is better to think of a donkey in namaz than to think of the Prophet in Namaz (prayer) [Sirat-e-Mustaqeem]
The reference is from a book called Sirat-e-Mustaqeem written by a man called Ismaeel Dehlavi. Ismaeel Dehlavi is the person who brought Wahabism to the Subcontinent back in the days. If you ask any Deobandi (41 preacher) about this man you will find that they adore and hold him in high esteem!
Lets now analyse the statement. He is saying that when you are praying namaz you should not think about the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam but if the thought of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam comes into your mind you should quickly think of a donkey. Asthagferullah! May Allah az'zawajal save us from such stupid beliefs.
The Real Muslim scholars have taught us that its a good thing to think about the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam in namaz.
One of the biggest scholars of Islam, Imam Muhammad Ghazali (rahmatullah alaihi) writes in his famous book 'Muqashafatul Quloob'
"When you are reciting the Tashahud (Attahiyaat) and saying 'Aslamu alaika Ayu Hanabiy-yu (peace and blessings be upon you O Messenger of Allah) you should imagine yourself sitting in front of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam and giving him salam"
So why do deobandis accept and preach such beliefs?
Well to get the answer to that question we will have to go through a brief history lesson..
Back in day when the British went to the Subcontinent they saw the unity of the Muslim's and realised that they could easily overpower the Hindus but never be able to take over the Muslim's. So they were on the look out for people who could help them in their attempt to invade the subcontinent. Eventually they enlisted certain people and put them on the Queen's payroll and in return these people or agents main priority was to cause confusion amonsgt muslim's by introducing new beliefs which would cause conflict amongst the Muslim's who would busy themselves in refuting each other and open the back door for the british to invade.
So these agents became scholars overnight gathered a few people around them and set up a school in India in the city of Deoband. They named it Darul Uloom Deoband and all Deobandis regard this school as their Head Quarters or Markaz. This school under British supervision became notorious for spreading false beliefs that are still preached by their followers today.
So now you know their history!
Insha'Allah Al-Haq will continue to Expose these hypocrites
Check this Video of Deobandi scholars from Deoband selling religious rulings for Money - its in urdu but you should get the message of it.
Deobandi's (41 Mosque Sneinton)believe that it is better to think about a donkey in namaz than think about the BLESSED and HOLY PROPHET MUHAMMAD SALLALAHU ALAIHI WASSALAM! Astagferullah!
Just in case you think I am making this up heres the quote;
It is better to think of a donkey in namaz than to think of the Prophet in Namaz (prayer) [Sirat-e-Mustaqeem]
The reference is from a book called Sirat-e-Mustaqeem written by a man called Ismaeel Dehlavi. Ismaeel Dehlavi is the person who brought Wahabism to the Subcontinent back in the days. If you ask any Deobandi (41 preacher) about this man you will find that they adore and hold him in high esteem!
Lets now analyse the statement. He is saying that when you are praying namaz you should not think about the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam but if the thought of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam comes into your mind you should quickly think of a donkey. Asthagferullah! May Allah az'zawajal save us from such stupid beliefs.
The Real Muslim scholars have taught us that its a good thing to think about the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam in namaz.
One of the biggest scholars of Islam, Imam Muhammad Ghazali (rahmatullah alaihi) writes in his famous book 'Muqashafatul Quloob'
"When you are reciting the Tashahud (Attahiyaat) and saying 'Aslamu alaika Ayu Hanabiy-yu (peace and blessings be upon you O Messenger of Allah) you should imagine yourself sitting in front of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam and giving him salam"
So why do deobandis accept and preach such beliefs?
Well to get the answer to that question we will have to go through a brief history lesson..
Back in day when the British went to the Subcontinent they saw the unity of the Muslim's and realised that they could easily overpower the Hindus but never be able to take over the Muslim's. So they were on the look out for people who could help them in their attempt to invade the subcontinent. Eventually they enlisted certain people and put them on the Queen's payroll and in return these people or agents main priority was to cause confusion amonsgt muslim's by introducing new beliefs which would cause conflict amongst the Muslim's who would busy themselves in refuting each other and open the back door for the british to invade.
So these agents became scholars overnight gathered a few people around them and set up a school in India in the city of Deoband. They named it Darul Uloom Deoband and all Deobandis regard this school as their Head Quarters or Markaz. This school under British supervision became notorious for spreading false beliefs that are still preached by their followers today.
So now you know their history!
Insha'Allah Al-Haq will continue to Expose these hypocrites
Check this Video of Deobandi scholars from Deoband selling religious rulings for Money - its in urdu but you should get the message of it.
Saturday, 13 November 2010
REAL Islamic beliefs about the Attributes of Allah ta'ala
Allah Ta'ala is One. There is no one equal to Allah Ta'ala, either in being, qualities, actions, commands or names. Allah Ta'ala is "Waajibul Wujood", in other words, His Existence is compulsory. His destruction is impossible. Allah Ta'ala always was and always will be. The term used to define the continuous existence of Allah Ta'ala is "Qadeem". "Qadeem" means "that which always existed and will always exist".
Allah Ta'ala is not dependant upon anyone or anything. The entire universe depends on Allah Ta'ala.
Like Allah Ta'ala, His Qualities are also "Qadeem". With the exception of Allah Ta'ala and His Qualities, everything else is "Haadith". "Haadith" means "a creation or that which was created by Allah Ta'ala".
Any person who says that Allah Ta'ala's Qualities are "Haadith" or says that any creation is "Qadeem" is a misled person.
Allah Ta'ala is neither anyone's father, not is He anyone's son. Allah Ta'ala does not have a wife. Anyone who shows Allah Ta'ala to have a father or for Him to be anyone's son or to prove that Allah Ta'ala has a wife is a Kaafir (non-believer). If anyone thinks or imagines this to be possible, then that person he is misled and irreligious.
Allah Ta'ala is present and in existence. The term used to define this is "Hai". Everyone’s life and existence is in the control of Allah Ta'ala. He gives life and causes death to whomever He pleases.
It is also not necessary that everything in the power of Allah Ta'ala should come into existence even though it is possible for it to come into existence. An example of this is that if Allah Ta'ala wills, He may create a mountain made from solid gold, but there is no such mountain. However, if Allah Ta'ala wishes, then it will exist even though it does not exist at present.
Allah Ta'ala is the possessor of all excellence and all good. Allah Ta'ala is pure and free of all those things, which have shortages (defects). In other words, for Him to possess any defect is "Muhaal". "Muhaal" is "that which will never be possible, that which can never be". Allah Ta'ala is free from lies, tyranny, ignorance and shamelessness. These qualities are totally "Muhaal" for Allah Ta'ala. To accept that Allah Ta'ala has the power to lie is to show Allah Ta'ala to have a defect and to reject Allah Ta'ala.
Existence, Power, Hearing, Seeing, Speech, Knowledge and Intention, etc. are the Divine Qualities of Allah Ta'ala. The Hearing, Seeing and Speech of Allah Ta'ala, however, does not depend on ears, eyes or tongue, since these are all human organs and Allah Ta'ala is free from all human forms. Allah Ta'ala hears the softest of softest sounds and sees the smallest of smallest objects. He sees even that which cannot be seen under the lens of a microscope, but His sight and Hearing are not only limited to these things. He Sees and Hears everything.
Like His other Qualities, His Speech is also "Qadeem" and not "Haadith". Whosoever accepts the Quran-e-Azeem to be a creation, according to Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifa (radi Allah anhu) and the other Imams (radi Allah anhum), such a person is a Kaafir (non-believer) and his infidelity is also proven from the Sahaba-e-Kiraam (radi Allah anhumul ajma'in).
Allah Ta'ala's Speech is free from sound. The Holy Quran that we recite and write is "Qadeem" and without sound. Our recitation, our writing and our voice is "Haadith". In other words, our recitation is "Haadith" and that which we recite is "Qadeem." Our writing is "Haadith" and that which we have memorised is "Qadeem."
The Knowledge of Allah Ta'ala encompasses everything, be it partial, complete, existing or non-existing. Allah Ta'ala always knew everything, knows everything and will always know everything. Objects change, but the Knowledge of Allah Ta'ala does not change. He has knowledge of the trouble and the fears of the heart and there is no limit to His knowledge.
Allah Ta'ala is aware of all that which is hidden and apparent. "I'lm-e-Zaati" (Divine Knowledge) is His unique Quality. Any person who proves I'lm-e-Zaati, be it hidden or apparent for anyone accept Allah Ta'ala is a Kaafir (non-believer) since such Divine Knowledge refers to that which was not given to anyone.
Allah Ta’ala is the Creator of everything, be it an object or its actions. He is the One who gives sustenance. Angels, etc. are only means.
Allah Ta'ala is free from space, place, time, shape, movement and stoppage. Allah Ta'ala is free from everything which is Haadith.
If Allah Ta'ala wishes, then He can make small objects large and large objects small. He gives respect to whom He wills and disgraces whom He wills. He gives and takes whatever He wishes. Whatever He does is totally fair and just. He is free and pure of tyranny. He is the Most Exalted and High. He engulfs everything and nothing engulfs Him. To give benefit and loss is in His Power. He is the Lord of everything. He answers the call of the oppressed and He punishes the tyrants and oppressors.
Nothing takes place without His will. He becomes pleased with the good and displeased with the bad. His Mercy is such that He does not command any work that is not in the capacity of the servants. Allah Ta'ala is the Lord. He may do as He pleases and commands whatever He wishes.
Allah Ta'ala has promised Jannat (Paradise) to the Muslims, and He has promised Jahannum (Hell) to the Kufaar because of their disbelief. His promises never change. With the exception of polytheism (associating partners with Allah Ta’ala) and infidelity, He may pardon any major or minor sin as He wishes.
Allah Ta'ala's every action consists of great wisdom whether we are aware of it or not. His actions are not dependent on any reason. He has, with His knowledge, created on the earth a means for everything.
Allah Ta'ala has created eyes to see, ears to hear, fire to burn and water to quench thirst. If Allah Ta'ala desires, then the eyes may hear, fire may quench thirst and water may burn. If He does not will, then a person may have a hundred thousand eyes and still not be able to see a mountain in bright daylight. There may be a million fires and even one straw of grass will not burn. An example of the above mentioned statement is when Hazrat Ibrahim (alaihis salaam) was thrown into the fire. What a great fire that was which the Kaafirs had prepared to put him into! The heat of this fire was so intense that nobody could go near it and they had to use a catapult to throw him into it. It was then that Allah Ta'ala commanded: "O Fire! Become cold and peaceful on Ibrahim." The fire immediately became cold on Hazrat Ibrahim (alaihis salaam).
To believe that Allah Ta'ala enquires from someone (His creation) is total Kufr and against the teachings of the Holy Quran and the Ahadith.
The Aqeeda of the Ahle Sunnat Wa Jama'at is that the Knowledge of Unseen which is possessed by Allah Ta'ala is His Personal Knowledge and He does not gain it from anyone.
Some persons believe that Allah Ta'ala has the power to speak a lie. (Allah forbid)
The Aqeeda of the Ahle Sunnat Wa Jama'at is that Allah Ta'ala does not lie and He does not possess the power of lying. This is proven by the Quranic verse: "Whose word is more truthful than that of Allah". (Part 5, Verse 15)
Imam Fakhrudeen Raazi (radi Allahu anhu) said that it is not permissible upon any Muslim to even think that Allah Ta'ala can speak a lie. He said that for one to think in this way would remove one from the folds of Imaan. (Tafseer Kabeer)
To tell a lie is a defect for the personality of Allah Ta'ala and for there to be a defect in the Power of Allah Ta'ala is "Muhaal" (Totally impossible). (Tafseer Kabeer)
Allah Ta'ala is pure from all defects. (Tafseer Baidhawi)
There is none more truthful than Allah Ta'ala and for Allah Ta'ala to tell a lie is impossible. (Tafseer Khazin)
Any person who shows Allah Ta'ala to possess a certain quality which is not worthy of His Being, or to show Allah Ta'ala to have a defect or impatience, then he is a Kaafir. (Fatawa Alamgiri)
Allah Ta'ala is not dependant upon anyone or anything. The entire universe depends on Allah Ta'ala.
Like Allah Ta'ala, His Qualities are also "Qadeem". With the exception of Allah Ta'ala and His Qualities, everything else is "Haadith". "Haadith" means "a creation or that which was created by Allah Ta'ala".
Any person who says that Allah Ta'ala's Qualities are "Haadith" or says that any creation is "Qadeem" is a misled person.
Allah Ta'ala is neither anyone's father, not is He anyone's son. Allah Ta'ala does not have a wife. Anyone who shows Allah Ta'ala to have a father or for Him to be anyone's son or to prove that Allah Ta'ala has a wife is a Kaafir (non-believer). If anyone thinks or imagines this to be possible, then that person he is misled and irreligious.
Allah Ta'ala is present and in existence. The term used to define this is "Hai". Everyone’s life and existence is in the control of Allah Ta'ala. He gives life and causes death to whomever He pleases.
It is also not necessary that everything in the power of Allah Ta'ala should come into existence even though it is possible for it to come into existence. An example of this is that if Allah Ta'ala wills, He may create a mountain made from solid gold, but there is no such mountain. However, if Allah Ta'ala wishes, then it will exist even though it does not exist at present.
Allah Ta'ala is the possessor of all excellence and all good. Allah Ta'ala is pure and free of all those things, which have shortages (defects). In other words, for Him to possess any defect is "Muhaal". "Muhaal" is "that which will never be possible, that which can never be". Allah Ta'ala is free from lies, tyranny, ignorance and shamelessness. These qualities are totally "Muhaal" for Allah Ta'ala. To accept that Allah Ta'ala has the power to lie is to show Allah Ta'ala to have a defect and to reject Allah Ta'ala.
Existence, Power, Hearing, Seeing, Speech, Knowledge and Intention, etc. are the Divine Qualities of Allah Ta'ala. The Hearing, Seeing and Speech of Allah Ta'ala, however, does not depend on ears, eyes or tongue, since these are all human organs and Allah Ta'ala is free from all human forms. Allah Ta'ala hears the softest of softest sounds and sees the smallest of smallest objects. He sees even that which cannot be seen under the lens of a microscope, but His sight and Hearing are not only limited to these things. He Sees and Hears everything.
Like His other Qualities, His Speech is also "Qadeem" and not "Haadith". Whosoever accepts the Quran-e-Azeem to be a creation, according to Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifa (radi Allah anhu) and the other Imams (radi Allah anhum), such a person is a Kaafir (non-believer) and his infidelity is also proven from the Sahaba-e-Kiraam (radi Allah anhumul ajma'in).
Allah Ta'ala's Speech is free from sound. The Holy Quran that we recite and write is "Qadeem" and without sound. Our recitation, our writing and our voice is "Haadith". In other words, our recitation is "Haadith" and that which we recite is "Qadeem." Our writing is "Haadith" and that which we have memorised is "Qadeem."
The Knowledge of Allah Ta'ala encompasses everything, be it partial, complete, existing or non-existing. Allah Ta'ala always knew everything, knows everything and will always know everything. Objects change, but the Knowledge of Allah Ta'ala does not change. He has knowledge of the trouble and the fears of the heart and there is no limit to His knowledge.
Allah Ta'ala is aware of all that which is hidden and apparent. "I'lm-e-Zaati" (Divine Knowledge) is His unique Quality. Any person who proves I'lm-e-Zaati, be it hidden or apparent for anyone accept Allah Ta'ala is a Kaafir (non-believer) since such Divine Knowledge refers to that which was not given to anyone.
Allah Ta’ala is the Creator of everything, be it an object or its actions. He is the One who gives sustenance. Angels, etc. are only means.
Allah Ta'ala is free from space, place, time, shape, movement and stoppage. Allah Ta'ala is free from everything which is Haadith.
If Allah Ta'ala wishes, then He can make small objects large and large objects small. He gives respect to whom He wills and disgraces whom He wills. He gives and takes whatever He wishes. Whatever He does is totally fair and just. He is free and pure of tyranny. He is the Most Exalted and High. He engulfs everything and nothing engulfs Him. To give benefit and loss is in His Power. He is the Lord of everything. He answers the call of the oppressed and He punishes the tyrants and oppressors.
Nothing takes place without His will. He becomes pleased with the good and displeased with the bad. His Mercy is such that He does not command any work that is not in the capacity of the servants. Allah Ta'ala is the Lord. He may do as He pleases and commands whatever He wishes.
Allah Ta'ala has promised Jannat (Paradise) to the Muslims, and He has promised Jahannum (Hell) to the Kufaar because of their disbelief. His promises never change. With the exception of polytheism (associating partners with Allah Ta’ala) and infidelity, He may pardon any major or minor sin as He wishes.
Allah Ta'ala's every action consists of great wisdom whether we are aware of it or not. His actions are not dependent on any reason. He has, with His knowledge, created on the earth a means for everything.
Allah Ta'ala has created eyes to see, ears to hear, fire to burn and water to quench thirst. If Allah Ta'ala desires, then the eyes may hear, fire may quench thirst and water may burn. If He does not will, then a person may have a hundred thousand eyes and still not be able to see a mountain in bright daylight. There may be a million fires and even one straw of grass will not burn. An example of the above mentioned statement is when Hazrat Ibrahim (alaihis salaam) was thrown into the fire. What a great fire that was which the Kaafirs had prepared to put him into! The heat of this fire was so intense that nobody could go near it and they had to use a catapult to throw him into it. It was then that Allah Ta'ala commanded: "O Fire! Become cold and peaceful on Ibrahim." The fire immediately became cold on Hazrat Ibrahim (alaihis salaam).
To believe that Allah Ta'ala enquires from someone (His creation) is total Kufr and against the teachings of the Holy Quran and the Ahadith.
The Aqeeda of the Ahle Sunnat Wa Jama'at is that the Knowledge of Unseen which is possessed by Allah Ta'ala is His Personal Knowledge and He does not gain it from anyone.
Some persons believe that Allah Ta'ala has the power to speak a lie. (Allah forbid)
The Aqeeda of the Ahle Sunnat Wa Jama'at is that Allah Ta'ala does not lie and He does not possess the power of lying. This is proven by the Quranic verse: "Whose word is more truthful than that of Allah". (Part 5, Verse 15)
Imam Fakhrudeen Raazi (radi Allahu anhu) said that it is not permissible upon any Muslim to even think that Allah Ta'ala can speak a lie. He said that for one to think in this way would remove one from the folds of Imaan. (Tafseer Kabeer)
To tell a lie is a defect for the personality of Allah Ta'ala and for there to be a defect in the Power of Allah Ta'ala is "Muhaal" (Totally impossible). (Tafseer Kabeer)
Allah Ta'ala is pure from all defects. (Tafseer Baidhawi)
There is none more truthful than Allah Ta'ala and for Allah Ta'ala to tell a lie is impossible. (Tafseer Khazin)
Any person who shows Allah Ta'ala to possess a certain quality which is not worthy of His Being, or to show Allah Ta'ala to have a defect or impatience, then he is a Kaafir. (Fatawa Alamgiri)
Wahabi's believe that Allah Ta'ala is like a Human!!!!
Wahabi's believe that Allah Ta'ala is like a Human!!!!
Check this video - It's a video of a Wahabi Preacher teaching out of a book called "Kitabul Tawheed" which was written by Shaykh Un Najd Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab Najdi who was the founder of Wahabism and a British agent.
This video is just one video in the long line of evidence that the Wahabi's are misguided people bent on misguiding real Muslim's. REMEMBER just because they speak English does not mean that they are on the Truth!
To to all those who think Al Haq should not expose the deviance of these hypocrites then prove that they are real Muslim's!
Anyone that believes Allah ta'ala has human attributes like hands, feet, shin etc is a kafir according to Islamic Beliefs!
There are mosques in Nottingham that accept these false teachings about Allah ta'ala. 41 mosque in Sneinton follows the deobandi thinking which is just the Indian/Pakistani Version of the Saudi Wahabi's.
People need to wake up. How can you stand back and let these people talk about your Creator in this way? Do you think that this is the only thing these hypcrites say about Allah?
I have recieved a few private messages on Facebook calling me a liar, that i have made up lies against wahabi's yet where is your answer now? why so quite? come forward and refute me if you dare.
No Wahabi's/Deobandi's are not true Muslim's and NO all Muslim's are not the same! Many Wahabi's and Deobandi's who have these horrible beliefs are not even Muslims. A real Muslim will not stand back and drop unity lyrics.
Check this video - It's a video of a Wahabi Preacher teaching out of a book called "Kitabul Tawheed" which was written by Shaykh Un Najd Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab Najdi who was the founder of Wahabism and a British agent.
This video is just one video in the long line of evidence that the Wahabi's are misguided people bent on misguiding real Muslim's. REMEMBER just because they speak English does not mean that they are on the Truth!
To to all those who think Al Haq should not expose the deviance of these hypocrites then prove that they are real Muslim's!
Anyone that believes Allah ta'ala has human attributes like hands, feet, shin etc is a kafir according to Islamic Beliefs!
There are mosques in Nottingham that accept these false teachings about Allah ta'ala. 41 mosque in Sneinton follows the deobandi thinking which is just the Indian/Pakistani Version of the Saudi Wahabi's.
People need to wake up. How can you stand back and let these people talk about your Creator in this way? Do you think that this is the only thing these hypcrites say about Allah?
I have recieved a few private messages on Facebook calling me a liar, that i have made up lies against wahabi's yet where is your answer now? why so quite? come forward and refute me if you dare.
No Wahabi's/Deobandi's are not true Muslim's and NO all Muslim's are not the same! Many Wahabi's and Deobandi's who have these horrible beliefs are not even Muslims. A real Muslim will not stand back and drop unity lyrics.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Wahabi's are not Sunni's - WAKE UP DONT BE A FOOL!
Some Muslim's that I have spoken to in Nottingham, especially young Muslim's are under the misconception that Wahabi's are a sect or a group within the Ahle-Sunnah wal Jamaah. Do not fall into this trap. Wahabi's are the reason for so much disunity amongst Muslim's today. It is the Wahabi sect that played a big role in creating other Sects such as Deobandism and Deobandism is the official Sect of Mosques such as 41 in Sneinton.
Check this link to - The Confessions of a British Spy and learn for yourself the reality of just what exactly the Wahabi's are.
Do not be fooled by these so called Muslim's. The Wahabi belief is actually worse than the Deobandi belief. The Deobandi belief is somewhat toned down (only in certain aspects).
Wahabis have such beliefs that The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam has turned to dust in his Grave (even though the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam stated "It is Haram on the Earth to eat the Bodies of the Prophets")
Other corrupt beliefs of this include the horrible view that Allah ta'ala has eyes, ears, hands, body and sits on a throne above paradise.
41 in Sneinton consists of mostly people who are near enough extreme Wahabi's but call themselves Deobandi's. People like Bawa Akram (May Allah darken his face) and that other hypocrite Talib who goes around saying that the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam is a normal Human being (astagferullah).
I urge all readers to learn the difference between the Ahle-Sunnah wal Jamaaah which the Group of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam and HIS companions and all those fake sects which have been set up by the enemies of Islam to disunite the Muslims and cause confusion amongst Muslim's.
Some Muslim's that I have spoken to in Nottingham, especially young Muslim's are under the misconception that Wahabi's are a sect or a group within the Ahle-Sunnah wal Jamaah. Do not fall into this trap. Wahabi's are the reason for so much disunity amongst Muslim's today. It is the Wahabi sect that played a big role in creating other Sects such as Deobandism and Deobandism is the official Sect of Mosques such as 41 in Sneinton.
Check this link to - The Confessions of a British Spy and learn for yourself the reality of just what exactly the Wahabi's are.
Do not be fooled by these so called Muslim's. The Wahabi belief is actually worse than the Deobandi belief. The Deobandi belief is somewhat toned down (only in certain aspects).
Wahabis have such beliefs that The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam has turned to dust in his Grave (even though the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam stated "It is Haram on the Earth to eat the Bodies of the Prophets")
Other corrupt beliefs of this include the horrible view that Allah ta'ala has eyes, ears, hands, body and sits on a throne above paradise.
41 in Sneinton consists of mostly people who are near enough extreme Wahabi's but call themselves Deobandi's. People like Bawa Akram (May Allah darken his face) and that other hypocrite Talib who goes around saying that the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam is a normal Human being (astagferullah).
I urge all readers to learn the difference between the Ahle-Sunnah wal Jamaaah which the Group of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam and HIS companions and all those fake sects which have been set up by the enemies of Islam to disunite the Muslims and cause confusion amongst Muslim's.
Monday, 8 November 2010
Same EID on Two different Days
The EID Question - Why Is EID on Different Days?
Im going to make this short and straight to the point. Many Muslim's in Nottingham and around the world become curious this time of year about a certain topic. That topic is the day of EID.
The Million Dollar Question
Why do Muslims Celebrate the Same EID on Two Different Days??
Well this million dollar question isn't really that hard to answer.
Muslims celebrate EID on different days because Real Muslim's look for the Moon and Fake Muslim's ignore the moon completly and follow their own 50 year calendars which dicate 50 years in advance as to what day Eid, Ramadan and the start of the Islamic Months will be.
So decide for yourself who is correct.
It is an ESTABLISHED fact that Saudi Arabia which follows the horrible Wahabi belief have a 50 year calendar which they abide by. To them it does not matter if Eid is supposed to be on a Monday (example) if their calendar says Friday then they will announce Eid to be on a Friday. How sad that most of the time Mosques like 41 in Sneinton and other Wahabi/Deobandi 'Mosques' blindly follow the Saudi Announcement.
Do they not care that Families are torn apart? In some cases Parents celebrate Eid on one day and their Children celebrate it on a different day. 41 and other similar places have killed off the whole meaning of Eid.
So brothers and sisters do not give in to these misguided people. Follow your local SUNNI Masjids in deciding when to celebrate EID and Ramadan etc.
Sometimes Saudi announce Eid on the same day as the real Muslim's and then bang on that they do this to unite the Muslim's. Do not be fooled into thinking the same. They only do this because it just happens to fall on the same day in their calendar.
I can remember one time a few years ago. It was a day before Eid and I was at Sneinton Masjid. We had just prayed Maghrib Namaz and were waiting to see if Saudi had announced Eid. To our surprise a few 41 preachers walked into the mosque and started hugging some of us and one of them said MUBARAK MUBARAK... we are not doing eid today, we are doing it tomorow with you guys because we want to UNITE.. one of our brothers replied back saying "masha'Allah brother lets go and sit down with the imam and we can go over your corrupt beliefs so you can repent and than we can truly unite" at this their faces dropped and you could truly see the shaitaan in them.. one of them replied "another time brother another time" did salaam and leged it out of the mosque...
It reminds me of a hadith of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wasalam in which he said " a true beliver in a masjid can be compared to a fish in the ocean (meaning in the ocean the fish is at peace and it can go and do what ever it wants and does not feel any desire to leave it) and a hypocrite in a masjid can be compared to a bird in a cage ( because a bird hates being in a cage and is not at peace and feels a huge desire to leave it and be free)
Also a saying from the Quran comes to mind in which Allah, Most High states
"Truthhood has come and false hood has vanished."
Rather than sit and learn the truth they were happy to stick with their evil beliefs and legged it! same story different people.
41 etc follow whatever Saudi says because the Wahabi government of Saudi Arabia funds 41 and most deobandi and wahabi mosques around the world.
Anyways I hope this short article has helped you in some way. Remember stick with real Muslim's and Not these fake preachers.
41 (sneinton)
Bilal Mosque (Lenton)
Madani Mosque (Forest Feilds)
Noor Mosque (Bobbersmill)
Umar Mosque (Alfreton Road)
Sahaba Mosque (Radford Road)
and any other places that follow corrupt beliefs ie Shia and Qadyanis.
Im going to make this short and straight to the point. Many Muslim's in Nottingham and around the world become curious this time of year about a certain topic. That topic is the day of EID.
The Million Dollar Question
Why do Muslims Celebrate the Same EID on Two Different Days??
Well this million dollar question isn't really that hard to answer.
Muslims celebrate EID on different days because Real Muslim's look for the Moon and Fake Muslim's ignore the moon completly and follow their own 50 year calendars which dicate 50 years in advance as to what day Eid, Ramadan and the start of the Islamic Months will be.
So decide for yourself who is correct.
It is an ESTABLISHED fact that Saudi Arabia which follows the horrible Wahabi belief have a 50 year calendar which they abide by. To them it does not matter if Eid is supposed to be on a Monday (example) if their calendar says Friday then they will announce Eid to be on a Friday. How sad that most of the time Mosques like 41 in Sneinton and other Wahabi/Deobandi 'Mosques' blindly follow the Saudi Announcement.
Do they not care that Families are torn apart? In some cases Parents celebrate Eid on one day and their Children celebrate it on a different day. 41 and other similar places have killed off the whole meaning of Eid.
So brothers and sisters do not give in to these misguided people. Follow your local SUNNI Masjids in deciding when to celebrate EID and Ramadan etc.
Sometimes Saudi announce Eid on the same day as the real Muslim's and then bang on that they do this to unite the Muslim's. Do not be fooled into thinking the same. They only do this because it just happens to fall on the same day in their calendar.
I can remember one time a few years ago. It was a day before Eid and I was at Sneinton Masjid. We had just prayed Maghrib Namaz and were waiting to see if Saudi had announced Eid. To our surprise a few 41 preachers walked into the mosque and started hugging some of us and one of them said MUBARAK MUBARAK... we are not doing eid today, we are doing it tomorow with you guys because we want to UNITE.. one of our brothers replied back saying "masha'Allah brother lets go and sit down with the imam and we can go over your corrupt beliefs so you can repent and than we can truly unite" at this their faces dropped and you could truly see the shaitaan in them.. one of them replied "another time brother another time" did salaam and leged it out of the mosque...
It reminds me of a hadith of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wasalam in which he said " a true beliver in a masjid can be compared to a fish in the ocean (meaning in the ocean the fish is at peace and it can go and do what ever it wants and does not feel any desire to leave it) and a hypocrite in a masjid can be compared to a bird in a cage ( because a bird hates being in a cage and is not at peace and feels a huge desire to leave it and be free)
Also a saying from the Quran comes to mind in which Allah, Most High states
"Truthhood has come and false hood has vanished."
Rather than sit and learn the truth they were happy to stick with their evil beliefs and legged it! same story different people.
41 etc follow whatever Saudi says because the Wahabi government of Saudi Arabia funds 41 and most deobandi and wahabi mosques around the world.
Anyways I hope this short article has helped you in some way. Remember stick with real Muslim's and Not these fake preachers.
41 (sneinton)
Bilal Mosque (Lenton)
Madani Mosque (Forest Feilds)
Noor Mosque (Bobbersmill)
Umar Mosque (Alfreton Road)
Sahaba Mosque (Radford Road)
and any other places that follow corrupt beliefs ie Shia and Qadyanis.
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