According to preachers from 41 mosque sneinton dale and other deobandi/wahabi preachers the Parents of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam were Kafir - Astagferullah just how low will they go??
One of main Deobandi leaders that 41 preachers love and follow is a man called Rashid Gangohi he was asked about the parents of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam and he replied "The Parents of the Prophet were Kafir and are in Hell" Reference for this evil statement is Fatawa Rashidiyya which is a collection of his rulings and beliefs.
Insha'Allah ta'ala in this article I will aim to give some references proving that the Parents of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam were believers and will be in Paradise - and this the real Muslim belief.
First of all some background info...
It has been narrated that Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) would hear buzzing sounds coming from his forehead, whenever he walked in paradise he would notice that the angels would stop and look at him. Prophet Adam became worried and asked Allah Ta'ala about it. Allah Ta'al said to him “O Adam, the buzzing sound that you hear in actually the Noor (light) of my Beloved Muhammad, who will come from your offspring, and it is performing my zikr (rememberance). It is so beautiful and attractive that the angels can not resist looking at it.”
Upon hearing this P:rophet Adam (alaihisalaam) said to Allah Ta'ala “O Allah, why must I be deprived of seeing this holy Noor (light)? Please make it so that I can also witness the splender and glory of the Noor (light) of your Beloved”
Therefore Allah Ta'ala moved the Noor (light) of the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam from the forehead of Propher Adam into his Thumb. Upon seeing it Prophet Adam was wonderstruck and amazed and as a sign of respect he kissed his thumbs and placed them on his eyes.
“Qurata Ayni Bika Ya Rasullulah”
O Messenger of Allah az’zawajal you are the coolness of my eyes!
Brothers and Sisters, after the marriage of Prophet Adam to Hazrat Hawwa (Eve), this noor (light) was transferred to her, then after that to their son who was also a Prophet.
Brothers and Sisters this noor (light) passed from person to person until it came into a man named Abdullah. Abdullah was the son of Abdul Muttalib.
This noor (light) sparkled with brilliance on the face of Abdullah and because of it Abdullah became the most handsome man in the whole of Makkah.
Abdullah was known for his piety, he firmly detested idol worship and worshipped Allah ta'ala alone. He was a believer in ONE Allah in a time when the people around him worshipped many false gods, the kabah had over 300 idols stored inside it. The meccans were busy in pagan idol worship and had left the true religion.
Now you may ask yourself as to how Abdullah was a muslim even though he was surrounded by Kufr. How was he a believer even though the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam had not even been born?
This question has been answered by the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam himself. Hazrat Ibn Abbas states that the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam said
“After the time of Prophet Nuh (Noah), this earth was never empty of at least seven sincere believers in Allah az’zawajal, and because of these belivers Allah protected the rest of the people of the earth”
So basically in every generation Allah ta'ala created at least seven believers. Abdullah followed the religion of the Prophet Abraham and was one of these sincere believers.
A few hundred miles away in the city of Madinah, there was a tribe called the Bani Zuhra. In this tribe there was a pious young women named Amina. She was well known for her extreme piety and was the most beautiful women in the whole area. Aminah was also a believer in Allah ta'ala and was on the religion of Hazrat Ibrahim (alaihis salaam).
Mash’Allah, look at the wisdom of Allah Ta’ala that he beautifies the believers but makes the faces of the disbelievers and hypocrites horrible and repulsive to look at.
This can still be seen today, when you look at the faces of the true Muslim’s you see light on their faces and find it hard to look away, but Allah ta’ala has sent a lanat (curse) on the faces of the hypocrites. Upon seeing them a person cannot help but feel sick!
Brothers and Sisters, we have established that Abdullah was a believer and he belonged to the tribe of Quraysh. We have established that he had the nor (light) of the Prophet Muhammad sallalah alaihi wassalam in his forehead which made him the most handsome man in the whole of Arabia. And we have established that he was extremely pious.
We have also established that hundreds of miles away in the city of madina there was an extremely pious woman named Amina. We have established that She was a believer in a time when people were busy worshipping false gods, we have established that she was the most beautiful women in the whole of Arabia.
Brothers and Sisters, when you bring the most handsome man of Arabia and connect him to the most beautiful woman of Arabia, when you connect the most pious man of Arabia to the most pious woman of Arabia, when you connect one spiritual power to another spiritual power, when you connect one perfect belief in Allah to another Perfect belief in Allah, Brothers and Sisters the result of this connection is the one that is praised in the earth and the skies, the result of this is the One person who has in him all beauty and all good qualities, the result of this is the birth of the leader of mankind, the result of this is the birth of the destroyer of shirk (idol worship) and kufr (disbelief), the result of this powerful alliance of perfection and spiritual greatness is none other than the Holy Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam.
Abdullah was the father of the Holy Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam and Amina was the beloved Mother of the Holy Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam.
Upon them may the mercy of Allah constantly descend and through their sadqa may we all be under the mercy of Allah Ta’ala. Ameen
Allah Ta’ala states in the Holy Qur’an
“O you who believe, truly the pagans are impure”
Allah Ta’ala is saying that the people who worship false gods are impure.
The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam has said “Allah az’zawajal always transferred me from pious backs to pure wombs until I was from my parents”
Every time the nor (light) of the Prophet was transferred, it was transferred to only pious and pure people, meaning the ancestors of the holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam were pure believers and had the highest of Iman (Faith) in Allah
Ta’ala. We have already heard that Allah Ta’ala says that the idol worshippers are impure, so then how can that person be impure who has had in him the pure nor (light) of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam. How can the parents of the Prophet be impure? How would Allah Ta’ala allow the Pure, perfect nor (light) of His Beloved to mix with impurity?
The different between purity and impurity is like this example, if there was a full glass of milk and one drop of urine dropped into, would you still drink it?
Obviously we would never drink it. So these hypocrites are implying that the Noor of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is impure, and they are saying that the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is impure (Astagferullah, a thousand times Astagferullah)
The fact of the matter is that the Parents of the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam are Muslims and are Pure.
The Beloved Parents of the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam passed away before the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam declared His Prophethood. Abdullah passed away a few months before His Birth and Amina passed away when the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam was 6 years old. They were people of belief in the oneness of Allah az’zawajal.
Ummul Mumineen, Hazray Sayyida Aisha states we were with the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam during the farewell Hajj. We passed a place called ‘Uqbat al-Hajun’ The grave of the Mother of the Prophet, Hazrat Amina (sallalahu alaihi wassalam wa Radi Allahu Anha) was situated here. The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam stood very close to the grave and was very sad, tears were coming out of HIS blessed eyes.
Before I carry on, I would like to mention that The holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam forbade us to be upset for a kafir who dies. So if the Parents of the holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam were kafir, why would the Prophet stand at the grave and cry? Would this not be hypocrisy?
This is another proof that the parents of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam were infact believers, because the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam was the one that thought us halal and haraam, HE never committed any sins.
When the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam left the blessed grave he was very happy and smiling. Hazrat Sayyidah Aisha asked the holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam about the sudden change in the mood.
The Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam replied “when I was standing near the grave I made a dua to Allah ta’ala to resurrect my mother, my dua was accepted and Allah ta’ala brought her back to life, she recited the kalimah and then passed away again.
Our Master, The reviver of Islam, Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (alaihi Rahmatur Rahmaan) writes that do not think that the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam was upset because he thought that she was not a muslim, therefore did a dua for her to come to life so he could make her a muslim. No. never, we have already established that she was already a believer in the oneness of Allah ta’ala. The Prophet was sad because that was his beloved mother; he showed the same compassion and mercy that any child shows for his parents. He made dua for her to come to life because he wanted her to bring Imaan onto HIM, and so that he could teach her the fundamentals of ISLAM.
There is just too much evidence in the Quran and Hadith that the Parents of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam were firm believers and are of the people of paradise. How can anyone reject this?
What game are the hypocrites trying to play? First they say that The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is normal, then they say that he sallalahu alaihi wassalam cannot help anyone, then they say that he sallalahu alaihi wassalam is dead and turned to dust, then they say that his family are normal people and they cannot benefit anyone, then they say that his companions used to commit sins, then they say it is shirk (idol worship) to ask the Prophet for help and they say that the Parents of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam were kafirs and will go to hell, astagferullah.
Then to top it all off, these idiots say that they love the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam? Curse of Allah is on the Liars.
They are trying to take out the respect and love of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam from the hearts of the muslims. The purpose of their mission is to divide the ummah against the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam.
In fact they even say that we are not allowed to praise the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam. They want to remove the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam from our hearts, but we are people of Ishq (love) we will not allow them to do that.
These same people are the ones who supposedly stress the importance of eating halaal. When they go to shops and supermarkets they will take their time to read the ingredients to make sure there is nothing haraam. But what benefit is there is eating halal when you are doing the biggest haraam by disrespecting the Holy Prophet and his parents.
These people can be compared to the people in the following example.
A brother states that he used to work in a take away. One day a group of Muslims came into the shop, it was really late and they had just come back from clubbing. They stank of alcohol and before they gave their order in they asked the staff “Is this take away halal”
After all the haraam they had just committed, they went to the club, they drank alcohol and who knows what other haraam things they got up to. Then they still think that they are good muslims because they eat halal.
To respect and honour the holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is from the fundamentals of Islam. The Love of the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is the foundation of Islam. If a person truly loves the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam from the heart then that person can never go astray.
Please be aware and cautious of all of these fake preachers who want to turn you against the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam.
1 comment:
MashAllah great post, very informative and insightful.
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