Safety for Sunni's

Asslamu Alaikum

Welcome to Al-Haq - A Islamic Blog to educate the Muslims of Sneinton and Surrounding Areas about the evil beliefs of certain people and groups that are trying to confuse innocent Muslim's and encouraging them to accept False and Misguided Beliefs!

It is the job of every true follower of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon Him to defend his honour. For too long people have got away with insulting, degrading and even trying to humiliate My Master peace be upon Him. The horrible reality is that the people that are doing this call themselves Muslims!


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Sunday, 30 January 2011

41 Mosque exposed Again - from their own books

For all of you 41 lovers and followers and those that think I am the one splitting the Muslim's in Nottingham.

A brother on a Sunni Forum has started to upload videos exposing the beliefs the Deobandi's (41 mosque) from the sayings of their own books. Now after watching these if you still consider 41 preachers to be real Muslim's you must be dead dumb and blind.

The scholar shows the original books and reads out the quotes and explains how these beliefs are first of all not Sunni beliefs and secondly not even Muslim beliefs.

More to come Insha'Allah

Now remember the 'scholars' that are mentioned are the ones that 41 love and follow. Without a doubt if they wanted unity they would accept that their scholars have become kafir by spreading these evil beliefs.


Anonymous said...

JazakAllah Khair

Anonymous said...

It doesnt matter what you show them, they always have an excuse.