I have a question for for those people that have accused me of splitting the Muslim Community in Nottingham.
Lets just say hypocthetically speaking if I am wrong about everything I have wrote about 41 and we go with what some people want to believe that we are all muslim's and we should not cause disunity etc etc
My Question is;
What was the need for 41 mosque to be established in the first place?
Was Sneinton Mosque too far for the 41 brothers to walk to so they felt the need to open a mosque which they could easily reach?
Well lets examine that then. According to small minority of people in Sneinton 41 preachers are good muslims and are only looking to improve the state of Muslim's in the community. So there must be a damn good reason for them to have had to open a mosque which is within walking distance to another mosque which had been in the community for many years. According the logic above I can only come up with the answer that Sneinton Mosque was too far away for them to get to. But then that wouldn't make sense because according to google maps 41 mosque is only 2 mins away from sneinton mosque (walking distance) if you dont believe me look for yourself;
View Larger Map
A - Sneinton Mosque
B - 41 Mosque
Ok lets say for example 41 preachers fell out with Sneinton Mosque so they decided to open up their own Mosque. However this would not make sense aswell. Would it not have been better to just keep the peace rather than splitting the Muslim community?
It seems like Sneinton Mosque is not the only Mosque 41 preachers fell out with.
Instead of Praying Friday Prayer at Islamic centre they have Friday Prayer at Pakistan Centre.
Was Islamic Centre too far aswell?
View Larger Map
A - Islamic Centre
B - Pakistan Centre
Only 6 mins distance.
For goodness sake you can't say you are real Muslim's then have such problems with two established Muslim Mosques in the Community that you feel the need to Pray at different locations which are just minuits apart.
Obviously the real reason why 41 preachers did this was because it was just easier to split the Muslim community spread their misguided beliefs.
If you do not accept google maps as a reference in this short article because google is the creation of the Jews (lol) then all you have to do is use your brain and just walk between the locations and time how long it takes you.
By opening a mosque 2 mins away from another mosque completely kills off 41's credibility and reliability - if they were sincere why did they not just open 41 in bakersfeild or carlton?
41 are the biggest idiots, they say they want unity then why do they pray at 41. if they want unity close 41. I didn't know about all of this wahabi stuff and about 41 being wrong. tell you the truth i used to go there to eat anyway. thanks al haq for teaching the muslim youth in snentz about these wrong people.
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