First of all my message to Mrs Khan spokespeople and Mini-Me’s I am not afraid of your threats and when it comes to who should Judge and your belief that only Allah ta'ala is the judge then you should realise that only a hypocrite says only Allah should judge????
Now will you say to the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam that he shouldn’t judge? That he should leave the judging to Allah ta’ala? Well then what is the problem if a Muslim that does this with the intention of following the Sunnah. Every action of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is a sunnah for us.
Now down to Business..
In the last part of this exposee we established that Mrs Khan is a very misguided individual bent on hiding her real beliefs from her students in order to corrupt them with non-islamic views.
Another claim that Mrs Khan makes that she is a staunch Hanafi Muslim.
So a section of Part 2 will be devoted to crushing the false notion of Mrs Tahira Khan being a hanafi Muslim.
Here goes...
The Beard
Once someone asked her a question about the importance of the beard in Islam. Now according to Imam Abu Hanifa who Mrs Khan claims to be a follower of it is Wajib (mandatory = near compulsory) for a male to keep a beard that is one fist length. Mrs Khan replied “It’s not important for a man to keep a beard, as long as his heart is clean its fine”
Upon this I replied “The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalams heart was clean yet he still had a beard. In fact there is a hadith in which the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam said to some messengers from another country “My Lord has ordered me to grow my beard and shorten my moustache”
Mrs Khan’s reply was “Oh having the beard was a custom of the Arabs and has no place in todays society.”
My reply “Astagferullah, The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam has made it clear that a Muslim has to have a beard yet your saying the complete opposite.”
Mrs Khan “Well like I said I don’t think it is important I don’t even allow my husband to grow it, he has it really small even that’s too much for my liking”
Me “In Islam a mother is given a high status and a person can become a sinner just be refusing even a small request by his mother, yet according to islamic law if your mother orders you to sin like shave your beard it becomes compulsory for you NOT to obey her. Yet here you are depriving your husband of acting upon this order of Allah and the Prophet.”
Mrs Khan “Your too young come back to me when your married and we will see what you say when your wife lets you keep a beard”
Me “Alhamdullilah I intend to marry a Muslim who Loves Allah and His Prophet so there is no chance I will be made to get rid of my beard”
When I did get married I did send an email to Mrs Khan which was confirmed by her students because she read it out to them. However I did not receive a reply, wonder why??
Why would a person who claims to be a hanafi Muslim contradict her own school of thought? If she didn’t know the answer to the question then surely she could have just said “I don’t know” rather than making up her own opinions and trying to implement them on her students.
Very recently a brother from Nottingham Academy informed me that Mrs Khan has proclaimed it is permissible to eat lobster.
According to the Hanafi School of thought it is haram to eat anything that lives in the water except fish! (ref : Ahkam-e-Shariah – Hanafi Fiqh Encyclopaedia)
We as Hanafi Muslim’s are taught by our teachers that a lobster is not a fish and therefore Haram to eat.
Lobster is not considered a fish. They are aquatic crustaceans, similar to crabs and shrimp. Examples of fish are mackerel, tuna, snook, redfish, sheepshead and sea bass. Crabs, shrimps and lobsters are considered marine or aquatic crustaceans. They do not swim with their bodies and fins and tail. Instead they “walk” across the marine floor and use their claws to catch their food and to fend off prey. Lobster falls under the category of seafood on the menu, but it is not a fish
Now why would an Islamic studies teacher who claims to be a Hanafi Muslim promote a forbidden food?
Forcing a little boy to lead namaz – who doesn’t even know the rulings of namaz all for the sake of having a jamat.
Now in the Hanafi school of thought a namaz (prayer) can only be lead by a baligh (male who has gone through puberty) who knows the rulings of namaz (prayer). During some of the days that I was there in the month of Ramadan we would hold a Jamaat for namaz and I would lead it. When I stopped going Mrs Khan would force a brother from Sneinton who was in year 8 at that time to lead the prayer. Now I have no disrespect for this brother at all, in fact I really like him. But at that time I know very well that he didn’t even know the rulings of Ghusal (purifying himself) let alone the rules of Namaz (prayer) and at that time he didn’t know Tajweed (how to pronounce in Arabic. So He was forced to lead the prayer just for the sake of having a jamaat. It would have been better for all of them to pray separately. According to the Hanafi school of thought His Prayer would have been accepted but the prayer of the people behind him would not have been accepted because they prayed behind someone who didn’t fulfil the conditions leading the prayer.
Now as an Islamic studies teacher who claims to be a hanafi Muslim Mrs Khan should have known better. Never should a person sacrifice her own Prayer and the Prayer of everyone else.
How can a person claim to follow the Hanafi school of thought then contradict it?
There are many more examples I could give to prove that Mrs Khan is NOT a hanafi Muslim but I will stop her and continue in Part 3 (Insha'Allah ta'ala)
Now coming back to Mrs Khan’s Aqeeda issues – one of her devoted followers has said “So what if Mrs Khan has said the Prophet is a normal human being? He is a normal person”
This topic was discussed in part 1 but I will go through it again for the benefit of Mrs Khan devoted follower.
“Iblis refused to prostrate to Adam. Allah asked, ‘Why do you not prostrate Iblis?’ He said, ‘I will not submit to a man (bashar) you created from clay.’”
15th Sura, al-Hijr: Verses 31 to33
We see from this verse of the Quran it was the devil that first disrespected a Prophet by assuming he was just a man and because of this disrespect he became the rejected. Now remember at one point the devil was a pious believer in Allah ta’ala. He had so much knowledge that he was ‘Al Moallam al Malakut’ (the teacher of the Angels) he had a different name on each paradise and it is said that there was not one place left in which he had not worshipped Allah on! Yet because of his disrespect of a Prophet which led to him disobeying Allah ta’ala all of it was thrown back in his face!
Even in the time of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam it was the non-believers who focused on the Prophet being a normal person – Why would a Muslim copy the non-believers?
When the Holy Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam would walk in the streets, Abu Jahl (one of the biggest non-believers) would say said, ‘He is normal like us.’ But the Sahaba (companions) could get the aroma of his blessed, perfumed perspiration and knew he was not like them. .
The non - believers with their eyesight saw him eating food and thought that he was like them, but the believers with their insight (firaasa) saw the food thanking Allah that it was going to enter the blessed body of the Holy Prophet Sallalahu alaihi wassalam.
During the battle of the Trench, stones were tied on his stomach to quell the hunger and the disbeliever's said, "he is like us". On the other hand, during the same battle, when Hazrath Jabir bin Abdullah invited him for food (which was enough for only 4 people) The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam told him to cover the food up and keep taking from it and 1500 ate from a small pot and the food remained intact.
If you got a glass of water and accidently your eye lash or a strand of hair fell into that water what would you do? You would empty it and re-fill the glass. But when the hair of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is mixed with water that water becomes a means of cure and people drink it. Would this be done for a normal person? If a person dies his hair and body decay very quickly. But the hair of the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam is still around today and not only that it still grows! My challenge to Mrs Khan’s blind followers to experiment with your own hair and see if it grows after you pull it out. Yet you people claim that the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam was a normal person!
My message to Mrs Khan’s blind followers wake up! Why are you allowing yourself to act like the devil and the non-believers by showing disrespect to the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wassalam?
There is so much more that I want to add but I am very busy these days. Sorry for the delay in releasing part 2 Insha'Allah Part 3 will be released in the next few weeks.
Stay Sunni - Do not let yourselves be fooled by Deobandis, Wahabis and undercover hypocrites!
Maslak-e-Ala-Hazrat - Jaari Rahay Gha
Say: Truth has come and falsehood has vanished away. Lo! Falsehood is ever bound to vanish. [ Surah al Isra: 81 ]
I used to be a student of hers, she used to say all kinds of crap.
She sounds like a moderate Muslim and in all seriousness should not be teaching her deviated ideals to young students.
Kids should learn to take what she says with a big pinch of salt.
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