Safety for Sunni's

Asslamu Alaikum

Welcome to Al-Haq - A Islamic Blog to educate the Muslims of Sneinton and Surrounding Areas about the evil beliefs of certain people and groups that are trying to confuse innocent Muslim's and encouraging them to accept False and Misguided Beliefs!

It is the job of every true follower of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon Him to defend his honour. For too long people have got away with insulting, degrading and even trying to humiliate My Master peace be upon Him. The horrible reality is that the people that are doing this call themselves Muslims!


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Tuesday 3 May 2011

Is Bin Laden really DEAD?

Is Bin Laden really DEAD?

First of all I would like to say whoever Bin Laden is I do not agree with his Wahabi beliefs and I am totally against killing innocent People (except in Israel, they deserve it - lol just joking!) but the record needs to be set straight. Hopefully this will bring some sort of end to all those who have been tricked into believing that the americans have killed Osama Bin Laden.

**Important note : this is not my article - taken from another site.

*The Rule : Don't ever believe anything the western media tells you!*

If you have not yet heard the president's speech, he states : Osama Bin Laden was killed in a fire-fight. The M-16A2 bullet to the forehead is consistent with the damage of these bullets.

These bullets are designed to tumble and ricochet inside the body after penetration to cause more damage. All military personnel know this fact.

The photos above are an elaborate hoax. They were done by graphic professionals in 2006 during another hoax. How do we know they are a hoax pictures?

First the obvious.

1.) Osama Bin Laden looks like he did nearly ten years ago except for the photo shop eye injuries. He has not aged.

2.) Death even on tanned skin begins to produce a non natural discoloration of the skin in just a few hours.

3.) The eye injury is consistent with a partial eye blow out from an M16-A2 bullet ricochet in the interior of the skull. However usually the eye will close with coagulated blood, not always but usually. Also if you look closely at the eyes you will see straight lined eye slits. This is possible because eyes when blown out will stretch the skin to produce this effect. In this case however the slits are just too straight and the whites of the eye are just too white. If you save the small picture of Obama and blow it up 100 percent, using the PAINT tool of windows then you will clearly see it has been photo shopped.

4.) Lastly is there a stock photo that exists with these features especially the mouth. Yes there is and you will see it just below.

In this image above made from a blow up from paint it still looks almost believable. That is because the Paint program of windows deals with images at very high resolution bitmap level. When I saved the blown up version of the eyes, it feathered the image and blended the pixels.
However if you take the original photo and open it in paint and then use the large zoom setting you will know for sure if is fake. A very good fake, but a fake nevertheless. Paint is one of the oldest most underestimated and powerful graphics tools for uncovering hoax's in photos ever made. And most of you already have it, free of charge. I guess windows should have named it something other than Paint. Hoax buster.

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